'round here, there are ways. keep these on, sweetheart. mommy's working on it. let's get this over with. my god. what is that? oh my god! my son! my son! cody! mommy's coming! mommy's coming! oh sweetheart! what was i thinking? mommy is never gonna let you go! never, ever, never. never, ever, never, baby. i love you -- noooooooo! and red mountain. your daughter. you're welcome. there's some sweats in my bag behind the bar. i will. shut up! shut your mouth. you have no idea what is running through me right now. no idea. i'm ready. don't worry, i'm fine. really. trust me, i plan on having a full breakdown when this is over, but for now, we all have to be strong, right? oh. you have it. name it. deal. let's run for the cars, cause mass confusion. hey! hey! she's in the shaft! shut up! it stopped. it fuckin' stopped! she can make it! you okay? they didn't make it. choke on it!!! what is that? get in! are you okay?! they'll be back. don't worry about that. just go. they're alive! your family? i'm sorry. oh god. how'd you survive?