he throws himself back against the chair. he bounces himself in the chair to simulate the bumpy high speed ride. he rears back in horror. arms outstretched, head thrown back, braced for collision. he continues his questioning. he pats his mouth with his napkin. he looks to cameron and sloane. he raises a finger, holds it a beat and gives a cue. he watches sloane and cameron then glances at the waiter. he looks at sloane. he's concerned. he shoots sloane a look. eyes front. he knows what he's doing. he looks to the picnic table. then back to camera. he cocks his head, wondering what cameron's up to. his face is a mask of terror. he shakes cameron. he sees the smile. he stops shaking cameron. he turns to camera. he stares up in horror. a moment of curiosity. then it dawns on him what's happening. he smiles. the same deathly face he had in the morning. tongue out, eyes bulging. the hideous face. a beat and we hear the bedroom door close. ferris looks at camera.