i just has his file up, mrs. bueller. if ferris thinks he coast this last month and still graduate, he's sorely mistaken. i have it right here in front of me. he's missed. i don't trust this kid any further than i can throw him! what's so dangerous about a character like ferris bueller is that he gives the good kids bad ideas. the last thing i need at this point in my career is fifteen hundred ferris bueller disciples running around these halls. that's exactly why i have to catch him this time. to show these kids that the example he sets is a first class ticket to nowhere. really? dead grandmother? who's this girl's going with? could you get me mr. peterson's daytime number? ed rooney. how are you today, sir? i heard. and, gosh, i'm all broken up. huh? oh, sure. i'd be happy to release sloane. you produce a corpse and i'll release sloane. i want to see this dead grandmother firsthand. it's ferris bueller. nervy litttle punk. i'm gonna set a trap and let his walk right into it! that's right. cart the stiff in and i'll turn over your daughter. it's school policy. was this your mother? i'll tell you want, you don't like my policies, you can just come on down and smooch by big old ugly ass. you hear me? what!? i don't know. i thought you were someone else. you have to know, sir, that i would never deliberately insult you. i can't begin to tell you how embarrassed i am. absolutely! i most certainly am. once again let me say how deeply saddened i am by your loss. were you close to your grandmother? ferris bueller's behind this. there's no doubt in my mind. that's what i was saying this morning. why he has to be stopped. he's got sloane peterson involved in this thing now. see? something's going on, goddamn it. and i'm going to stop it! what? who gives a good goddamn? i've been waiting a long time for this. your ass is mine. what's the score? who's winning? this is ed rooney, ferris. i'd like to have a word with you. b.s. come down here. i'm not leaving until you come down and talk to me. i'm not leaving, ferris. don't get smart with me ferris! that's a $28.00 dress shoe, you worthless mutt! no. i imagine so. oh, christ. sleep tight, pooch. looking for this? i got you, ferris. this time i finally got you. how does another year of high school sit with you?