with your bad knee, you better not throw anybody, ed. he's very popular, ed. sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, pinheads, dweebies, wonkers, richies, they all adore him. ooo. you sounded like dirty harry just now. that's what mr. peterson said. i had florence sparrow notify sloane. it's so hard to tell. i see her alot with ferris bueller. edward rooney's office. yes. can you hold? thank you. it's mr. peterson. do you still want his number? ed rooney's office. hold, please. ferris bueller's on line two. this is the peterson's home. watch your mouth this time. and her grandmother, too. there's a railroad strike. my brother-in-law'll appreciate it. my brother-in-law rides the train to work. hello, jeanie. who's bothering you now? i'm sorry, he's out. can i help you? i don't know. he left the grounds on personal business.