she, like the others, watches the nurse curiously. sits up in her seat. a smile curls across her lips. as she gathers her books she looks to the girl next to her. dead grandmother. huh? oh. um. yeah. very. she was a terrific lady. very hip. very old. yeah. i guess that's my dad. thanks. see ya. this is so great! i can't believe it! right in front of rooney! hi, cameron. you comfortable? what a fabulous car! what're we gonna do? i'm thrilled, ma'am. i'm especially looking forward to wearing those jeans with the stretch panel in front. actually, we're hoping for a car. we can't come to the phone right now. we've had a death in the family. if you need to reach us we'll be at the following number. what could happen to it? oh, please, cameron. do you have to be so graphic? this is so right! oh, shit! what if the glass gives? cool. do you love me? i asked you first. yes. yes. yes. wait a minute. that was a lie. sure. no way! i'm not getting married. what do you mean, why not? think about it. my parents are divorced. so what? it's not like it doesn't happen ten thousand times a day. no. it's not something i can get comfortable with. i've tried. are yours divorced? do you think they're staying together because of you? do they like you? consider this. my father canned me and my brother and my mom for a twenty five year old dipso with fake tits. he dropped us like a rock. everything was cool at our house. i thought so. we all thought so. then blam! it's over. it was pure selfishness. when i have a kid, i don't care how much i want something, if it's gonna screw-up the kid, forget it. yeah. but i'm gonna try not to. i'm gonna think about it. i'm gonna try to prevent it. well, you know what? it ain't up to you. it's out of your hands. you're merely an inhabitant in their universe. they call the shots. when you split from them, you call the shots. what? cameron's right. we're gonna get busted. oh, but i had a wonderful teacher. i don't know. but it looks like it's already been eaten and digested. i wonder if he has a name? it is kind of raggy subject, cam. don't you think it's an issue because people need something to worry about? they have to like, have some major problem that puts all their little bullshit into some kind of persepective? to answer your question. no, i'm not worried about it at all. yeah. everybody's dead, it's real cold and the skiing's for shit. my step-father's always going off about how when he was young he was committed to all these causes. he says i don't care about things like he did. baldness, fatty meats and money. agreed. what comes after a nuclear winter? can we leave now? you got a call, you broke your thumb, what's left to do? no wonder you're always sick. i love him. do you believe in reincarnation? do you believe that you lived before? do you ever wonder what you were? i'm not sure but i think i know who ferris was. from the a-team? i think if he was anybody, he was magellan. you know, the guy who went around the world. i could see him ignoring popular belief and taking off on some impossible mission. the future's worse for a boy, isn't it? a girl can always bail out and have a baby and get some guy to support her. true, but it's an option. no options is worse. college. what are you interested in? me either. ferris, this is nauseating me. really. i'm losing respect for you by the bucket. who wants to get in? i'm not interested in watching someone jiggle their mammary glands. i'm not a tramp. jump back, ferris, cameron's been a good sport. he's looking at me and he's licking the glass and making obscene gestures with his hands. roast! what's next. we could go to my house. my parents aren't coming home until late. you okay? cameron! cut it out! what's wrong?! ferris! shut-up! it is a problem! for him it's a problem. nothing's a problem for you. but it's a problem for him! so, just shut-up. what can i do, cameron? ferris? the water's really nice. i wish you'd come in. cameron? i could flip real easy, too. there's nothing wrong with it. at one time or another, everybody goes to the zoo. what? what? what's so funny? really. god bless you, cameron. come on, ferris, answer his question. i'd say. love. it's better than "hello". you wanna be generic? this has to be a dream. why? what about your one word? i had a great time today. you think cameron's gonna be alright? you didn't have an idea, did you? you're so smart. i love you! he's gonna marry me. i know it.