imagine for a moment that this. thing is not anything that can be identified because it prefers not to be, because it is the antithesis of all we are. because it is evil. total evil. evil begets evil, mr. president. shooting would only make it stronger. time is of no importance, mr. president. only life is important. the most terrible intelligence imaginable, mr. president. we have forty-eight hours, the time it needs to adapt itself to our living conditions. and then it will be too late. the goal of evil is to wipe out life! all forms of life. for all eternity. life upsets it. yes. thank god. the mondoshawans don't belong to the federated territories, but they are peaceful. in their possession are the four elements of life. these elements when they are gathered around a fifth: the supreme being, ultimate warrior, created to protect life. will produce what the ancients called the light of creation, the light of total goodness which is the only thing that can defeat evil. white turns to black. light to dark. life to death. for all eternity. they are the only ones who can help. thank you, mr. president. we are lost! what are we going to do? weddings are one floor down. congratulations. that's me. but i don't know who she is. where did you find her? the fifth element. who are you? the girl? he's a she! there's not a moment to lose! wake her up, but be gentle about it! this woman is mankind's most precious possession! she is. perfect! uh yes, we're cousins. distant cousins. it's a miracle!!! i can't wear these clothes! this calls for dignity! i have to dress the part! the supreme being, the fifth element is here, in our parish!!! it's a miracle!!! appipulai leeloo minai. at your service. absolutely sure there's the triple suns on her gloves! she's an exception. thank you so much for your help mr? yes. that's fine! thank you very much. a thousand times over! she's fine, really. don't you worry. just needs some rest. she's had a very long trip. it means, "never without my permission". learning our history! the last 5000 years that she missed! she's been out of circulation a while, you know. what're you laughing about? yes. of course. leeloo. i'm sorry to interrupt you but. the case. with the stones. where is it? the case was stolen? who in gods name would do such a thing? there was this guy with a limp who came a month ago. said he was an art dealer . asking all these questions about the sacred stones. at the time i didn't think anything of it. what was his name? i'm so bad with names. perfect. leeloo? the stones. we must get them back. you know exactly where they are! what do you mean empty? she says that the guardians never really had much faith in humans. they were afraid of being attacked. the stones were given to someone they could trust who took another route. she's supposed to contact this person in a little less than twelve hours from now in a hotel. she's looking for the address! we're saved! good work, my son. now all we need is a way to get there. i'll get it. finish your work my son. my son? mr. who? i remember you now. the so called art dealer. why on earth do the stones interest you? even it i did know where the stones were i would never tell somebody like you. i'm a priest! i'm here to serve life, all you want to do is destroy it. no thank you. they are robots! destroying a glass is one thing. killing people with the weapons you produce is quite another. where's the robot to pat your back? can i give you a hand? you are a monster, zorg! i'm sorry to have to resort to such methods, but we heard about your good luck on he radio and we need the tickets to fhloston. we're not going on vacation. we're on a mission. we have to save the world. of course. oh my god oh my god. what are you doing? no, i'm not proud of myself. but we don't have the luxury of choice. leeloo, be careful. did you get them? excellent. leeloo dallas. and korben david dallas. i can't pretend to be your husband. david's in great shape. he'll protect you. go on. see the diva. get the stones. see you at the temple. god be with you. i feel so guilty sending her to do the dirty work. i know she was made to be strong but she's also so fragile. so human. you know what i mean? yeah. where's leeloo? it's all my fault. i'm the servant. it's my mission! here! here's the key to the temple. prepare for our arrival! where was i? and the smile of an angel? may i speak to you alone. my god! mangalores! the diva's suite! they want the sacred stones! they must be stopped. we must stop them!. i'm going to free you but you must promise to help me! i told you. of course i was telling you the truth!. if you had listened to me in the first place, we wouldn't be in this predicament now! you're probably very angry with me and i quite understand. but i want you to know i'm fighting for a noble cause. leeloo's in trouble? uh. have you tried the diva's suite? probably the time remaining before it explodes. doesn't matter all you need are your legs. there's a general on the phone. his name's mambo, i think. later, david! later! there's not a minute to lose! uh, this one. must be water! theoretically, yes! the four stones form the beam and the fifth element is supposed to stand in the middle there, but. i don't have the reference book. i've never seen the stones work! yes, of course, but. the stones are shut! they have to be open for it to work. that's what i'm saying. come on leeloo! come on! tell her, for god's sake!