i'm coming. yeah? hi sweetie! i was talking to the cat. at least, the cat comes back. i don't want a million - i just want one. a perfect one. i just found a picture of you. like shit. i don't need one. finger! i'm driving a cab now, not a space fighter!! uh. at least fifty. cheers! don't watch it all day, it'll rot your mind. bye sweetie. been here long? isn't that a z140? alleviated titanium. neuro charged assault model? you know you could hurt someone with this puppy. good thing it's not loaded. you gotta push the little yellow button. you're welcome. you know these things are very illegal. you could get in a shit load of trouble. i better hang onto it for you. how you doing this morning? sleep ok? i didn't. i had the worst goddamn nightmare. thanks for reminding me. right. 'scuse me? sorry, hon, but i only got one point left on my license and i gotta get to the garage! don't put me in this position. i can't. i'm late as it is. finger's gonna kill me. i hate when people cry. i got no defense. it there's one thing i don't need advice on, it's how to drive. we'll wait till things quiet down a bit. you mind? you're not that bad. come on we'll get you to a doctor. vito cornelius? excuse me, i'm looking for a priest. she's not my bride, she's my fare. she's looking for this vito cornelius. according to the phone guide he lives here. she dropped in on me. holding this. finger's gonna kill me. i brought the girl remember? yeah! she dropped in on me. i mean on my taxi. talking. this. this bizarre language. you noticed. so you do know her. perfect. i'm sorry, it's just that. i was told to wake you up gently, so i figured. you're right, i was wrong! i shouldn't have kissed you. especially since we haven't been introduced and. here, it's a bit late, but. my name is korben, korben dallas. keep it, you never know, maybe. you'll need a cab one day. i'll be happy to open the door this time!. what's your name? hey, that's. cute. do you have a nickname, something a little. shorter? that's. really cute. they all like this in your family, father? dallas. korben dallas. i might call to check up on her, you know. to see if she's better? i know. i was there when she arrived. excuse me! just one thing! she said something to me a while ago and. i don't really get it. akta gamat? that's what i thought. thanks. evening. thanks. you, too. oh god. i forgot your food . i'm really sorry! how about a nice thai nosh to apologize? how does that sound, huh? hello? finger. man. i'm sorry. listen. i was on the way over but i had a fare fall into my lap. y'know one of those big fares you just can't resist. 5'7", green eyes. long legs. great skin. perfect. leeloo. so you forgive me? i've never gotten a message that wasn't bad news. the last two messages i got? the first one was from my wife telling me she was leaving! and the second was from my lawyer telling me he was leaving too. with my wife. at least i won lunch. saved by the bell. hello? hi ma. yes ma. go on. this is gonna take a while! other than that. you all right? i'm coming!. ma, what're you talking about? all i want is an explanation! i just got in, i lost my job. i smashed my cab. i got mugged, but other than that everything's peachy, ma, thanks for asking!! now settle down and explain to me calmly. ma. if i'd won, i'd know about it. someone would have notified me. ma. it's the door. i'll call you back. what mission? where have i heard this song before? just one. why me? and the third one? i've had enough good news for today you rigged the contest? you couldn't come up with something a little more discreet? i'm not going. one reason. i want to stay the only one left alive. scuse me. shit! it's my wife. i mean my future. my ex. my future ex. if she sees you here i'm finished. she hates you guys. it's what killed us in the first place. please. sorry, general, but we've got no choice! it'll only take a minute! let me set up another meeting and i'll be back. oh, yes you will. coming! i suppose that means "hi" ? is that the usual way priests go on vacation? what kind of mission? good luck. father, i was in the army for awhile and every time they told us we were on a mission to save the world the only thing that changed was i lost a lot of friends. so thanks for the offer. but no thanks. i'm sorry. leeloo, hide in here and don't move! trying to save your ass so you can save the world. no, i'm a meat popsicle. wrong answer. i'm really sorry. there wasn't time. here let me wrap you up. it's funny. i've met you twice today and you've ended up in my arms both times. uh. you're welcome. coffee! that's what you need! a nice, hot cup of coffee! with some honey! you'll see, honey's great!. a hot cup of coffee. with honey. i've got this great honey somewhere. you know about honey? there used to be these little animals who made it with antenna. and these other animals who ate it. one were bees the other were bears. i forget which ate it and which made it but. here it is! taste this. it. melts in your mouth, doesn't it? you hear that? oh god! i'm really sorry. let me help you. what? jesus!. some priest! yeah? not yet. i'll take the mission. hey! i really thought i was going to miss my flight! thanks, kid! you put the luggage on the conveyor belt? great! now beat it! excuse me. i was so afraid i'd miss the flight that i sent the kid here to pick up my boarding card. my cousin david. uh, yes. newlyweds. you know how it is. love at first sight. you meet, something goes tilt,. you get married, you hardly know each other. right, darling? took the words right out of my mouth. go on. i'll be right with you. it's our honeymoon. we're going to use the trip to get to know each other better. listen. i don't want to be interviewed. i'd prefer to remain anonymous. you gotta be kidding! hi. uh. not really. i didn't come here to play dumbo on the radio. so tomorrow between 5 and 7 give yourself a hand, that clear pal? not hard to find you. just follow the chaos. leeloo, listen to me. these tickets. they're not mine. i mean they are, but not for vacation like everyone thinks. i'm on an operation. and if i didn't come get you, you'd be in a shitload of trouble. i'd love to be on vacation with you. but now. now i've got to work. and leeloo. i would love to work in peace. yes! but "love" isn't the operative word here, peace is! sometimes you can't learn everything from a screen. sometimes it's better to ask someone who has experience. know what? on that subject maybe you'd be better off asking the screen. finished what? which one? you learned 900 languages in five minutes?! i know how to say "hello". teach me how to say "good-bye", that's all i need. apipoussan? uh. help. pardon me. excuse me. i'm trying to reach my wife. sorry! i'll take you to the bar, after that, you're on your own. i don't think this is a good time. yeah, very big, a giant. for the concert it says formal attire. i didn't bring. hello? ma??? ma!!! listen, ma! i've only got a few days vacation and i'll be damned if i'm gonna spend them on the phone. hang on, it's the door. no! i told you i didn't bring anybody! i'm all alone. as usual! i'll call you back. here we go again. you get that off the screen? you noticed. where you going? no, not at all! i mean, just the opposite, you're. you're beautiful! i have an idea. i told you i need to work in peace. remember? i need to concentrate. it's difficult. army issue. i'm sorry. the words you're looking for weren't in the dictionary you studied. i won't be long. no. to all of the above. i was sent by the government to help you. i've never heard anything so beautiful in my life. who? leeloo. is. she's. so cornelius was telling the truth! yeah, so am i. i'll help her, i promise, but i think you should tell me where the stones are! i. i don't know! we hardly know each other. it takes time! listen, the last time i admitted to a woman i loved her . i never saw her again. you tell me to save the world then you go off and leave me in the shit! come on! you're not gonna die in peace! you're not going to die at all! you hear me? where are the stones? i'm sorry, but. the stones. the stones are with me? in me? that's it. i've had. all day people have been sticking guns in my face. you don't do what i say. i'll waste you myself. got it? everybody down! toss me the balls! the balls for christ's sake! how far is he from here? forget it. leeloo??? the winner of the gemini croquette contest. seven to the left. five to the right. six to the left. one to the right. we got to find the leader. mangalores don't fight without a leader. found him. mind if i go? i'm an excellent negotiator. anyone else want to negotiate? yeah, i know. to save the world. but right now all i want to do is save leeloo. when is she not in trouble? leeloo? a molecular bomb. not without leeloo. it's the latest model. i've never seen one before. it works off a magnetic coded card. let's see if i can rig it up. don't worry, i'm here now! just relax. i've got the stones. everything's going to be fine. i'll be right back. don't you know how to count. it's not all that hard. watch! one! that's for trying to kill me! two! that's for firing me! three! that's for pushing around a priest! and the rest is for what you did to my wife! we're outta here! it's like a cab isn't it? anyone know how to release the lines on this crate? found it? fuck it! hold tight! solid little jobs, aren't they? apipoulai. why? we did pretty well, wouldn't you say? i told you not to read all that crap! so now what's the problem? how much time before the collision? i'll call you back in two hours. excuse me, father, but. could we pray later? don't tell me you don't know how all this works? match the symbols! no. it's much simpler. if we don't figure out where these stones go in five minutes, we're all dead! think you got it? there's no light! you told me there were supposed to be four beams of light. and you don't know how they open, is that what you are saying? leeloo? the stones! we have to open them! how does it work? i know all that, leeloo! i'm talking about the stones. the rain falls. the wind blows? try and figure out how this fucking thing opens, instead of staring at me like that! what did you say? what did you do? look, you did something that set it off. try to remember. concentrate. tell me exactly what you did!! is that all? the wind! the wind blows. quickly, everyone on a stone! water for water! fire for fire! earth for earth! don't breathe. it's up to you now, angel! you can sleep tomorrow. come on. leeloo! listen to me! i'll take you on a vacation afterwards! a real vacation, this time, for as long as you want. come on! you can do it! leeloo! if you don't get on with the program we're all gonna die! and that's not on my agenda for today. you're right but there are lots of good things. beautiful things. exactly. yes, you do! i need you. more than you can imagine! stand up straight! because. because. i love you.