actually only one cell survived. it's not that easy. we've never encountered anything like it before. you see normal human beings have 40 dna memo groums. which is more than enough for any species to perpetuate itself. this one has 200,000. this cell is like a huge library. it has infinite genetic knowledge stored inside. almost like it was. engineered. yes. i can't wait to meet him. the compositional elements of his dna chain are the same as ours, there are simply more of them tightly packed. his knowledge is probably limitless. we put it through the cellular hygiene detector. the cell is for lack of a better word. perfect. this is the crucial phase, the reconstruction of pigment. cells are bombarded with slightly greasy solar atoms which forces the body cells to react, to protect themselves. that means growing skin. clever, eh? activate life support system. remove the shield. i told you . perfect! activate the phonic detector. and give her a light sedative. and something to wear! an elephant couldn't crack it. it's an honor to receive you. mr. president. they were so tired from their ordeal that we put them in the reactor this morning. i. uh. they need five more minutes, mr. president.