you're the nastiest dirtbag i know in this stinking city! i've been playing twice a week for 20 years, 20 years i've been eating those shitty croquettes. you wouldn't even eat one to help your poor mother, and you win the big prize? know something? the whole thing makes me sick! are you listening to me, you ingrate! and now you're making fun of me? i'm warning you! if you don't take me after all these years of sacrifice, i'll never forgive you!! i get it! you want to make me beg, is that it? you just won a trip, you dolt! ten days in fhloston paradise for two! they've been blaring out your name on the radio for the last hour, blockhead! have you pulled yourself together? you little sleaze bag! don't you ever ask me for another thing in my life again, you've killed your poor mother with your own hands! don't pull that crap with me, finger. i'd recognize that trash can voice of yours in a dark alley during a rain storm. you tell that worthless no account son of mine he should plotz for the way he's ignored his mother. when i think of all i sacrificed for him.