this is all that survived? have you identified it? talk english doc. sounds like a freak of nature to me. is there any danger? some kind of virus? ok, go ahead! but mr. perfect better be polite. otherwise i turn him into cat food. wonderful! i'd, uh , like to get a few pictures for the archives before she wakes up. what's she saying? this thing solid? you're gonna have to learn to communicate better than that angel if you want out. i managed to contact the mondoshawan. they deplore the incident, but accept our apologies. the-stones weren't aboard the ship. the mondoshawan never fully trusted the human race. they felt we're too unpredictable. so they gave up the stones to somebody they do trust. her name is plavalaguna. she's a diva and she's going to sing at the charity ball on fhloston paradise in a few hours. she has the stones with her. don't worry, sir. i have the perfect one. major dallas, if our calculations are correct you still have 57 hours owed to the federal army on your enlistment which is more than you will need for a mission of the utmost importance. to save the world. you're to leave immediately for fhloston paradise. retrieve four stones from the diva plavalaguna. and bring them back with the utmost discretion as possible. any questions'? three reasons. one: as part of the elite special forces unit of the federated army you are an expert in the use of all weapons and spacecraft needed for this mission. two: of all the members of your unit you were the most highly decorated. you're the only one left alive. don't you open your messages? you have won the annual gemini contest and a trip to fhloston paradise. for two. congratulations. here are your tickets. major iceborg will accompany you. as your wife. old tricks are the best tricks eh? why not? what is it? i thought you were divorced. three of us will never fit in there! mangalores! from us! major dallas has the five elements on board. the priest is guiding them directly to the temple. munro here. president lindberg wants to talk to you. hold the line. they just landed in the desert. we've lost contact with them. mr. president, let me introduce you to professor mactilburgh, who runs the center.