excuse me sir, the council is worried about the economy heating up. they wondered if it would be possible to fire 500. but. 500 is all they need, sir. 1000! fine, sir! sorry to have disturbed you. father cornelius? mr. zorg would like a word with you. glad to help. they just arrested the guy for uranium smuggling. everything's going as planned. all i have to do now is to go to the airport and take his place. i should be in fhloston in less than four hours. that's right. that's impossible! he's in j. i mean, there must be some mistake. i have my ticket! i'm the real korben dallas! i want to see your boss! get rid of this fucking window! somebody's made a mistake, goddamnit! sorry, my fault. just a little overexcited. that's all. i'm calm now. yeah, it's me. put zorg on. the real korben dallas is on the plane! he took my place.