fire 1000. aknot? is that you? what an ugly face! doesn't suit you at all! take it off. that's better! never be ashamed of who you are. you're warriors. be proud. so what if the federal army crushed your entire race and scattered your people to the wind. your time for revenge is at hand. voila. the zf1. it's light. the handle's adjustable for easy carrying. good for righties and lefties. breaks down into four parts, undetectable by x-rays. it's the ideal weapon for quick, discreet interventions. a word on fire power: titanium recharger. 3000 round clip with bursts of 3 to 300. with the replay button, another zorg innovation, it's even easier. one shot. and replay sends every following shot to the same location. i recharge, but the enemy has launched a cowardly sneak attack from behind, the automirror takes care of that. gives me the time to turn around and finish the job. 300 round bursts, then there are the zorg oldies. rocket launcher. the always efficient flame thrower. my favorite. our famous net launcher, the arrow launcher, with exploding or poisonous gas heads - very practical. and for the grand finale, the all-new ice-cube system! four full crates, delivered right on time! what about you, my dear aknot, did you bring me what i asked you for? magnificent. alright. i've got an open mind here. anyone care to explain? i'm fucked! a case with four stones in it. not one! not two or three! but four!!! four stones!!! what the fuck am i supposed to do with an empty case?!! but you can still count. look. my fingers. four stones, four crates. zero stones. zero crates!!! put everything back, we're outta here. so, you are a merchant, after all. leave them one crate. for the cause! i don't like warriors! they're too narrow-minded, no sublety. worse, they fight for hopeless causes. for honor! honor has killed millions of people but hasn't saved a single one. you know what -- do i like though, i like killer. a real dyed in the wool killer. cold-blooded. clean. methodical. thorough. a killer, when he picked up the zf1, would've immediately asked about the little red button on the bottom of the gun. bring the priest. zorg. jean-baptiste emmanuel zorg. nice to see you again i'm glad you got your memory back, father. because you're going to need it. where are the stones? personally, they are of no interest to me, i'd rather sell weapons. but i have a customer. so tell me. why? what's wrong with me? ah, father. you are so wrong. let me explain. would you like a drink? follow me. life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction. look at this empty glass. here it is. peaceful. serene. but if it is. destroyed. look at all these little things. so busy all of a sudden. notice how each one is useful. what a lovely ballet, so full of form and color. so full of. life! yes but. by that simple gesture of destruction. i gave work to at least fifty people today. the engineers, the technicians, the mechanics. fifty people who will be able to feed their children so they can grow up big and strong. children who will have children of their own, adding to the great cycle of life! father, by creating a little destruction, i am, in fact, encouraging life! so, in reality, you and i are in the same business! let me reassure you father. i will never kill more people in my entire life than religion has killed in the last 2000 years. you saved my life. so, i'm going to spare yours. throw him out! i know. torture whoever you want, the president if you have to but i want those stones. you have an hour. don't come back without the stones. i'm listening. this is a joke, right? i cannot hear you. we have a bad connection here. what's your number? i'll call you back. yes. zorg here. no. not at all. where are you? really? maybe i can get you on my screen and see you at last! got it. fine, just fine! i'll have the 4 pieces you asked for any time now. but it wasn't easy. my costs have tripled. the stones will be here. i'll see to it personally! more than enough. my compliments, little lady! . and thanks for doing all the dirty work! i couldn't have done it any better myself! . now hand over the stones! nice knowing you. you can run but you can't hide. you want something done, do it yourself! nothing i can't fix myself. allow me. just for the fun of it. well, what do we have here? is this korben dallas? the famous winner of the gemini croquette contest? or is this korben dallas from special section sent by old lindberg himself. in any event, whoever you are, i was glad to meet you. a 3000 round clip! i didn't fire off 3000 rounds. did i? i didn't fire three thousand rounds. maximum protection. how's that? can you hear me better now? who gives a shit! i didn't come here to listen to music! listen up instead of running off at the mouth! the batteries on my phone are almost gone. dispatch me another zfx200 immediately. someone stole mine. i'm not at the hotel! hello?. stay calm. stay calm.