everyone, let's thank thomas for sharing himself with us.
i look around this room and i see a lot of courage. and it gives me strength. we give each other strength.
it's time for the one-on-one. let's follow thomas's example and open ourselves.
can everyone find a partner?
tonight, we're going to open the green door -- the heart chakra.
and you open the door and you step inside. we're inside our hearts. now, imaging your pain as a white ball of healing light. that's right, the pain itself is a ball of healing light.
it moves over your body, healing you. keep this going and step forward, through the back door of the room. where does it lead? to your cave. step forward into your cave.
okay, everyone.
to open tonight's communion, chloe would like to say a few words.
thank you, chloe. everyone, let's thank chloe.
now, you're standing at the entrance to your cave. you step inside your cave and you walk. keep walking.
now, find your power animal.
pick someone special to you tonight.
tell the other person how you feel.
share yourself completely.
let yourself cry.
quietly, now. share with each other.
now, the closing prayer.