kimberly burroughs, eh? what do you want? yeah, how? nice work. maybe if you're real lucky, you'll wind up in here with me. but i doubt you'll survive that long. well, if you put them on the list, they're already tits up. death's list. the precise order you're going to die in. the survivors of flight 180 died in the exact order they were originally meant to die in the plane crash. that was death's original design. but you said someone else died last night. that means death skipped past you. someone must have intervened. sometime yesterday you must have nearly died, but someone saved you. congratufuckinglations. that makes you last to go. but don't worry, once the others are dead, it'll come back for you. always does. it's moving backwards? are you sure? backwards. that's new. that's good. get all your tears out now, you'll need your eyes. for the signs. if you have the same power as alex, you'll be seeing signs soon. when you see anything creepy or ominous, an in-your- face irony kinda thing? don't ignore it. it usually means the difference between life and death. that's what alex used to ask himself right up until. i didn't beat it; i hid from it. if you were smart you'd put a down payment on a burial plot and say goodbye to the dog, because what little life you have left is over as you know it. don't make new friends, don't fall in love, and don't ever bother trying to save others. that's the worst killer of them all. my family is dead. my friends are dead. and alex. and yes, that's the blade of a fucking ceiling fan in his head. i hope you're ready for this. a mortician. he seemed to know a hell of a lot more about death than he ever told us. he probably already knows we're coming. just a simple question and we'll leave you alone with your new friend. how do you cheat death once and for all? look, we drove a long way to get here. so if you happen to know how to get this death monkey off our backs, it sure would be swell if you told us. bullshit. you told me death has a distinct design, a blueprint, unalterable. but alex and i cheated death not once, but dozens of times. if the design is flawed, it can be beaten. it can be beaten. and you know it. one last question. why is death working backwards this time? he was. if we can use your ability to see the signs, we can cheat death long enough to figure out what "new life" means. i know, it worries me that i what the fuck are you thinking? you have to tell us now. you're strong. do you hear me? you're a fucking warrior. nothing scares you. in fact you happen to be the single most powerful woman on earth. now what did you see? you were there? then it wasn't just a sign. it was a premonition? holy shit. he said "only new life can defeat death." if she gives birth to a baby that was never meant to be born, a brand new soul that was never part of death's design. please, what else could it mean? so let's do it. it's all right. i'll take watch. make sure all these people will be at the meeting tonight. i don't get it. why is everything happening so fast? after flight 180. a month went by before anyone died. and now five people are dead in less than a day. we need to hurry. we're wasting time with this piece of shit. let's just get to the meeting. we can only pray it doesn't come out retarded. you're not next, nora. nobody has to be next. that's the point. last time, we didn't plan. we weren't organized. now we can help each other. think what would have happened if kimberly had been able to warn you with the word pigeons. anyone read today's paper? the article on evan shaeffer? the only reason he was on route 18 was because he own the lottery and had to collect the winnings. what about the rest of you? kimberly, you were driving to daytona. was route 18 your first choice? random, sure. remember everyone, just because kimberly's got the power doesn't mean we're not all capable of seeing signs to some extent. fuck. should have seen that coming. the institution's made me soft. we're all going to have to open our eyes from now on. look out for each other. sleep in shifts. and we've got to safeproof this deathtrap. i'll be sure to put that on your tombstone. it wasn't his turn to die. your entire world view just went out the window. i couldn't expect a religious conversation overnight. we'll get through this. i promise. was that in mt. abraham? that bus you were on? it killed terry mathers. she was supposed to die on flight 180. carter. what about you, kimberly? did you anyone from flight- ? it's all starting to come together. when alex got us off flight 180, it didn't just change our lives. it being alive after our time caused an outward ripple - a rift in death's design. that's why death is working backwards. it's tying up all the loose ends, sealing the rift once and for all oh my god, eugene!? someone call for help! be careful with that, check the gages on the regulator and be mindful of overdoses. oh, watch for potholes and puddles. look, i made him a promise -- one more thing. watch out for power lines. we have to contact isabella now! how you doing in there, hero? get back! what are you doing? you're going to kill us! are you crazy? what makes you think you'd survive? six duds in a row. i don't think so. alex's premonitions happened exactly as he saw them no matter how much we if only alex and i had done that with the others, alex might still be. slow down! we're. what did you see? what am i looking for? another premonition? speed up. be alive, isabella, please be alive. isabella cruz. what room's she in? i'm her sister. delivery rooms are downstairs. i'll find eugene and catch up with you. a guard grabbed me before i could find eugene. she had the baby? what did you see? can you remember anything about it? it's you kimberly. the premonitions are about you. i have to save eugene! eugene? are you in there? can you hear me? i'm coming in .