if i don't get back to my classroom soon, the kids'll tear the room apart. but this is where it starts to get freaky. so a month goes by, everything seems cool, but then the survivors start dying one boy one. 'cause when your number's up, it's up, right? some people said death itself started coming for them, hunting down every last one, until they were all dead. look lady, we're just yankin' your chain. nobody's next. this is crazy. first death's stalking us and now premonitions? jury duty? that's randomly selected by social security numbers. what, you think death planned for each of us to die in the pile up weeks ago? you're nuts. if death has got such a hard-on for you, maybe you should get the hell away from us. yeah, why am i listening to a girl who just got out of the nut house? whatever. i control my life, not fate. going down, right? um, by the way, your shoe's untied. probably for you, anyway. what is it? what's wrong? oh, watch it, you've caught your uh. no escapes my ass. i control my fate. i die on my terms, hear me reaper cockscuker?! ain't going out like that. on my terms! um, clear? i'm sorry. about before. i. are you okay? i'm not sure i understand. so if you never got off the plane, none of us would be ali ve in the first place.