no, i'm stuck on jury duty so i won't be able to pitch the campaign. let's get silverstein to come in and. what the hell? no, not you. forget it, i'll call him myself. great, now i'm really gonna be late. not to sound insensitive, but how much longer is this going to take? what if it's true? what if it's happening all over again? first i'm stuck with jury duty, now this nonsense. no, mom. just turn on any station, they've been playing it all day. yes, mother. channel four will do just fine. here it is, gotta go. you'll want to take -- -- half of that. this can't be happening. my career's at a peak, i finally met a cute guy, i just bought a new house. i was my first day of jury duty. eighteen. and it's "hebrew". screw this. i'm going outside for a smoke. so? nora's gotta bite it before me anyway, right? you alright, nora? can we find the pregnant woman, please? yeah? i got that beat. so like, last may, i was supposed to stay at this cheesy bed and breakfast in pennsylvania. there was a major gas leak no one knew about and all the guests suffocated during the night. i never mad it. the greyhound bus i was on splattered some chick all over the road and we had to stop. yeah. how did you know? i'm not sure i-- not my time. amazing. he can't breathe! he can't breathe! i can't move my fucking leg! please get me out of here before it explodes! stop that! i still need this foot, thank you. my legs are starting to cramp up. and god, why am i so thirsty? does anyone have any fiji? christ, you wanna give me a heads up next time, pal? lights one cigarette off the other ka -chucnk! the sound makes her flinch, dropping the cigarette on the floor. damn, can't you be quieter with that thing? i guess it could be worse.