thanks, dad. i'll call you. relax, dad. it's daytona, not mongolia. i know this is the first time we've been apart since. but everything's gonna be okay. i know, dad. sorry! my fault! no, i'm good. jesus, all the crazies are out today. i told you no drugs in the car! my dad will freak! hey, dad. what's up? you got it, dad. i'll call you if i have a problem. i will, dad. bye, luv you. dano, put that out now. this trip better be wor th it. what's the guy- girl ratio again? i can live with thaaaa -- what's the chance of finding a nice mature guy once we get to daytona? hey, thanks for talking me into this trip. ever since my mom. i dunno, i just feel like i'm starting to live again, you know? oh my god, oh my god. there's going to be a huge accident! everyone's gonna die. all of us! i saw it! oh my god, oh my god. there's going to be a huge accident! everyone's gonna die, all of us, i saw it! highway to hell, highway to hell. no! we'll all die if we do! there's going to be a pile up. logs. bodies everywhere. i saw it happen. it happened. the radio played the same songs, the old lady's bag broke the exact same way it did in my premonition. that's the truck that's going to kill everyone! you're not listening to me! you have to do something! why won't anyone listen to me? like i said, it was like i was there. i remember everything. the sounds of the crashes, the smells, the look on shaina's face. the log truck. and everybody i guess. everyone was driving like a maniac. and somehow i knew something horrible was going to happen, even before it did. more than that. all the songs on the radio were about car crashes. some kid's banging toy cars together. she was dialing her cell phone with her headset on. his car was leaking oil all over the road. billboards about accidents. kids yelling "pile up" for no reason. it all felt. just wrong. just like. i know this sounds crazy. but you all heard about flight 180, right? the kid who got off the plane? my premonition was just like his. you do believe me, don't you? i know it's crazy, but i'm really scared for the others. i've got this terrible feeling. that it's not over yet. don't. i have to see this. it's okay, dad. i'm not ten anymore. i love you too, dad. goodnight. i used to have those feelings, too. but that's when i'd think of mom. her strength. and courage. and i'd pray that maybe i'd grow up to be as brave as she was. and the bad thoughts would go away. wait. is she. dangerous or something? jesus, how long are you going to keep her locked up this way? clear rivers? i thought. i thought you might be able to help me. i had a premonition about the route 18 pile up. . i saved some people. and now i think death is after me. it's not just about me. someone i saved died last night in a freak accident. what if the others are in danger, too? what list? exact order? then i'm next! i was meant to die with my friends, so i'm next! officer burke pulled me away from the crash that killed my friends. that still doesn't make sense. you said you die in the same order you were originally meant to. but evan shaeffer died last in my premonition, not first. yes. in my premonition that nora woman and her kid died first, then evan and then. my friends. signs? the songs on the radio. but wait. i don't understand. why is this even happening to me? it's obvious you know what you're talking about. you beat it. you have to help us. how can you say that? what kind of monster are you? know what? i think you're a coward. i think you hide out in here because you're too damn bitter and selfish to care about another evan shaeffer's dead. then you believe all this?? that death is working off a list? clean up? i don't. pigeons. it's a sign! if clear's right about the order, then nora and tim are going to be attacke d by pigeons! they're next on the list. we have to find them. turn around. the cleaning woman said they're at the dentist's. 14th and main. we have to tell her she's in danger! it's happening again. it's fucking but we're all going to die. we can't stop it. it's just a matter of time. i'm so scared. clear. thomas. thomas. clear. the second one just dies. a 16 year old kid. this is cheery. oh my god. that's evan shaeffer. yeah, i thought he was supposed to be helpful. comes to thomas' arms - gasping uncontrollably for breath. terror- stricken. she begins hyperventilating. i was driving a white van. it must've gone out of control because it crashed into a lake and i drowned. it was. horrible. i can practically taste the water in my throat. and something else. the smell of flowers. it throws the entire death list out of whack. and a new list has to be rewritten f rom scratch. we all start over with a clean slate. so if you give us the pregnant lady's number, we can warn her about the lake and she'll live long enough to have the baby. how are we going to find her? there must be thousands of white vans in this state. oh god. i know, i know. we need my eyes. i'm okay. just caught me by surprise. put it back on. there it is. whose blood is that on the floor? where's isabella? did you finally kill her you fucking wife beater? the point is, as long as you know what to beware of, you have a fighting chance. it can be beaten. if i call you and say subway, get to a high rise fast. a place where no subway could possibly go, get it? the new freeway was faster, but route 18 was the way my mom used to take, so. i don't know what's weirder, the dialing a wrong number part or that death would set you up nine months in advance. are you thinking what i'm thinking? i'm sorry, dad, we're having a hard time with shaina's eulogy. i'll stay here at virginia's tonight and see you tomorrow. i love you too. we need her. she's the only one who's dealt with this before, idiot! where are you going, nora? you okay? don't say that. once you lose hope, it's already too late. you can't give up. don't accept death's plan. trust me, you can fight this. if we can just survive long enough until that baby is born, we can -- seeing you die once was enough for me. you don't keep it loaded? sure. i. i don't know. i guess so. how do you know? another kid from flight 180. a little over a year ago, my mother and i went to the mall. i was supposed to meet her outside, but i got caught up watching some news report about some kid who committed suicide. i kept thinking, "how can you strangle yourself in a bathtub?" that's retarded. it felt wrong. and yet. there were gunshots outside and i ran. some kids tried to jack her car. she fought them off - she was a fighter - and they killed her. after the funeral i had this overwhelming feeling that it should have been me. i figured that's how everyone must feel. but i guess i was right. he can't breathe damn it. i think his lung's collapsed! help us, we need help over here! you doing alright in there? looks confused to watch rory climb between the fence wires and drift the dead oak tree into the field. thomas runs down the hill toward kimberly. what about that? is put on alert by a fresh breeze. her attention is caught by the window of an emergency vehicle. in the reflection, kimberly sees a man sitting on the expedition, but when she spins ar ound, there's no one there. wait! it wasn't his turn. and it's not my turn. give me the keys to your truck. now! no. if anyone dies from a crash now, it'll be me. but i can't die if eugene and isabella are still alive. i'm last on death's list. what happened when eugene tried to kill himself out of turn? and when it was rory's turn to die, and thomas was in the way? let's pray that isabella's still alive. this makes no sense. isabella was supposed to crash her van into a lake. could we have altered her destiny when we had her arrested? don't worry. nothing can happen to us. no, it's not here. this one was different. more like the pile up and the van going into the lake. it wasn't just a sign, i was there. yes. i was in a hospital. there was screaming. a nurse was choking me. i couldn't tell wh at she looked like, but the name tag was right in my face. kalarjian. i think a nurse named kalarjian is going to choke isabella to death! shouldn't we pull over? oh come on. what do you want me to do? yeah, fuck 'em. no offense. new life defeats death. we've done it. death has to rewrite the list. we're safe. i know how it feels to be dead. i was dead. and came back to life. an eeg machine. where's eugene? i don't. what if i made a mistake? i'm not sure. i don't think isabella was ever destined to die in the pile -up. the same hands from the van. no! it can't be. oh no. nurse kalarjian. oh my god. that's it. the lake. the eeg machine. nurse kalarjian. you can't cheat destiny. i know what i have to do to save us. i have to die. i have to do this. welcome back. we did it. for real. my god, this is delicious. i can't believe i used to be a vegan. for god's sake, leave him alone, dad. food's great too, mrs. gibbons. big props to you and brian. three short glorious weeks away. brian looks like he's having fun. how's that?