hello, clear. i've been keeping an eye out for you. come to. pick my brain? flesh and bone require 1,600 degrees for cremation. gold, prosthetics and other metals must be removed before the final -- fire away. dead. but still fresh. for what purpose? you seek a back way out of a room with but one door. you can't cheat death; there such fire in you now. people are always most alive just before they die. don't you think? some say that there is a balance to everything. an equilibrium that is the connective tissue of the universe. they say that for every lif e there is a death, and for every death a life. solus novus anima licet evinco mortis; only new life can defeat death. the list of life is forever set by the divine plan, the guiding hand that plots the course of the universe, down to its tiniest element s. the list accounts for every life; from the dawn of man to the great apocalypse. but the introduction of life that was not meant to be, a soul forbidden to roam the earth, that could invalidate death's list, shatter its very existence. to figure that out you'll have to follow the sign s. but be warned. to disrupt the grand design is to unravel the tapestry of the universe. when you pull all the threads apart, you may find yourself hanging from them. sorry, time's up.