i can't believe they let that dickhead on this trip. no, wait, i was late. that's my seat right there! i didn't do anything! i have my ticket right here! i was in the bathroom. the lock was stuck. i didn't fight with anyone! there they go and here we stay. i took my driver's test this week at the dmv. got a 70. lowest score, but i passed. when i was done with the test, the guy who drives with you during the test, he goes, "young man, you're going to die at a very young age." that true? if i ask out cynthia paster, will she say "no?" hey, alex. are you? um. okay. drive the speed limit, right? and don't pass on the right. hey, man, why'd you say that?! your shoe prints were in the blood. your fingerprints on the knives. please tell me i'm gonna get to see the jets win the super bowl. shoulda felt up tammy in the pool, that time. and i fuckin' hated french class! watch it! watch it! i am. so close to puking, you don't wanna know. man, he really is next. no one's that strong. that's right! he's right! you are next! i'm getting the fuck away from you! i don't need it ever! get away from him! he's next! backing away. you will be! you're dead! you're dead! and you ain't takin' me with you!