what the fuck's he want? what's your fuckin' problem? sit! down! browning! i'll remove him. we get thrown off the plane and blow a half day in paris because browning has a bad dream? it's going to explode! it's going to explode! you're payin' for my trip, browning! hope you don't think, browning, that because my name ain't on this wall. that i owe you anything. all i owe is these people. to live my life to the fullest. don't ever fucking again tell me what to do. i control me. not you. i'm never gonna die. kind of have a reunion, here. when are you moving? we're losing our favorite teacher. terry's name should be on this wall. so, why'd you want us to meet you here? now? why would i want to see him? billy! i'm gettin' a vision! you're the next one. 'cause if you say another word, i'm gonna fuckn' kill ya! alright, browning, you fuckin' warlock. did you know about ms. lewton, or what? i'm not talkin' about if you did it. or if you knew she was dead. did you know she was going to be next. before she was? out of us. who's next to see it? me, right? that's why you're not saying. whatta you whinin' about? he said i'm next. you have a responsibility to tell me. you get off havin' control over me. let me choose how to deal with it. aww, fuck. really? then why bother? what's the fuckin' point? terry and me will be back together on the other side, so why wait any longer? may as well go out under my own free will, right? what's your fuckin' worry? if it's not your time? i could get nailed runnin' this red light and you all wouldn't get shit! only me, right? that's what i'm doin'! i'm not afraid! i decide when it's time! i control my life! i control my death! it ain't my time. looks up. as if the image has effected him, he looks to his lap belt and clacks the button. he tugs at the restraint, but it will not move. he's strapped in. i can't get out! it broke! shut up, billy! fuck you, billy! i'm not dead! jesus fucking christ! you're the fuckin' devil. "intervention?" what are you, god now?! then, get out of here. alex was right. it did skip us.