the airport doesn't endorse solicitors. thanks. camera inches in as she shakes off a shiver down her spine. she looks up from the book toward the student who handed it to her, the identity of which is fully revealed to be alex browning. he's not a witch. because i saw and i heard alex. and. i believed him. here's good. thank you for the ride. because of you. i'm still alive. thank you. alex! get outta here! almost autumn. yeah, but everthing's always in transition. if you focus, even now, one week into summer. you can feel autumn coming. almost like bein' able. to see the future. know what this is? a piece of debris. from the plane. i went to the shore off the crash site and it washed up on the beach. it is. but that didn't stop me. shouldn't stop you. look, i've seen enough t.v. to know the f.b.i. doesn't investigate teen suicides. but they were there last night, that means: one, they still don't have a clue what caused the crash. two, they haven't ruled out anything. and the fact that seven people got off the plane is probably weird enough, not to mention, that one of those people had a vision, or whatever, of it exploding minutes before it did explode, is highly suspicious. and it doesn't help that the visionaries' friend just committed suicide. know what this is? it's you. not a likeness. it's how you make me feel, alex. like you, the sculpture doesn't even know what, or why, it is. reluctant to take form. and, yet, creating an absolute but incomprehansible attraction. before that day, you were just another suburban nothing that would never have anything to do with my life. and i'm sure you thought i was some marilyn manson body-pierced freak, or whatever. but at that moment. on the plane. i felt what you felt. i didn't know where all those emotions were coming from until you started freaking out. i didn't see what you saw, but i felt it. okay, i'm not into all that x-files bullshit. but it was a psychic connection. why to me? why to you? and you can still feel it, can't you? something from that day is still with you. i know, because i can still feel you. that's why i was there last night. "it?" is that something you're "feeling?" then, let's go see him! gives me a rush. doin' somethin' i'm not supposed to. good call. very "quincy." i think. but why'd they make him up like. michael jackson? they said he hung himself, but there's no marks. why would they say it was a suicide. if it weren't? we didn't find what we were looking for. the mortician was whacked. he was trippin' on formaldehyde. as in flannels and plaids? thirty-nine. no. like. 4:25. 4:25. wait. i thought you meant the time of your birth. four. twenty-five, as in, month and day. that's a reach. you're sounding like those people who, you know. "oswald shot kennedy from a warehouse and hid in a theatre and booth shot lincoln in a theatre and hid in a warehouse." that's total bullshit. you can find death omens anywhere you want to. hey, look! "coffee" starts with a "c" and ends with an "e." so does the word "choke!" we're going to choke to death! oh no! starbuck was a whaler. we're going to be harpooned! you'll go nuts if you start with that shit. she's leaving the school. moving away. i don't understand. did you see tod die? did it happen again, like on the plane? alex, on the plane. you must have experienced. some kind of hyper awareness. but here. you're suggesting tod's death. and maybe our own. will happen because of. an active presence. after hearing you, just now. i do believe. that tod killed himself. alex. i don't know where he is. he's not talking to me. because i didn't believe him. what are you doing? they're watching me, see if i go to alex. they'll follow my car. that's why you're taking me. because he knows which one of us is next. he could be anywhere from here to a mile down the shore. you guys drive down there, start this way and we'll meet around the middle. it'll take half the time. when i was a kid, like, six or seven. i used to worry so much about my parents dying. like lying awake at night. just worrying. i loved them so much. i didn't want them to get hurt. and what would happen to me? what would life be like? every night. it seemed. most kids never have it happen. when i was ten. my dad went into a 7-11 for cigerettes. i guess he heard somebody say "don't turn around." so on reflex, or thinkin' a friend was jokin'. he did. and the guy blew his head off. and, let me tell ya, i had every reason to worry before. because life became shit. i don't blame her, i guess, but my mom couldn't deal with it at all. she married this asshole, who my mom with my real dad would cross the street to avoid this guy. he really didn't want a kid. and so my mom didn't either anymore, i guess. if that was the design for my father. and my family. then fuck death, fuck it! and so, anyway. i've thought of that "somewhere," alex. it exists, that place. where my dad is still safe. where he had a full pack of cigerettes and kept driving. a place where me and my dad and my mom. are still together. and have no idea about this second life, here. a place where our friends are still in the sky. where everyone gets a second chance. but that place might only exist in my heart. and maybe, now. yours. i haven't experienced too many second chances in my life. i haven't seen any. but because of all of this, i believe. because of you. i will get a second chance. because of me, you will. with you in my life. that place, right now existing in our hearts, will spring out. and become a real part of this life. and that is the only way we can beat death. by making something special out of life. those guys are probably fifteen minutes away. nothing is. anymore. we're takin' you to a cabin in the woods, it's only a couple miles from my house. keep off the highways, they'll be lookin' for us. billy told the f.b.i. he saw you runnin' away from her house. he didn't say nothin'. just drive. knock it off! not with us in the fuckin' car! i know what you're doing! it's alright to be scared, carter. you don't have to prove to us how big your balls are. not now. we're afraid, too, carter, but we're not going to quit. maybe you are. you act like you're not, but you are! so, stop what you're doing and stop this car! right fucking now! move it! carter, get out! runs and falls into alex's arms, holding him tight. scared now? bullshit. he saved your life. again! we don't need this now! police are coming. you're losin' it. the police will be here. we have to go to the cabin. you can hide there. get your head together. as camera pushes into her. considering life. then, now and what is to come. i'm not turning him in. there's another life that needs him now. i go with you. don't hurt him. continues to run. the metal poles punge into the ground just before and behind her, inches from impaling her. she stumbles, but quickly steps aside and continues toward the tree. reaches the tree and begins unfastening the dog's collar from the chain. run! in mid-air, desperately grabs the tire, hanging on, literally for her life. o.s., the dog yelps. clear turns back. straining in the storm, begins moving up the branch. keeps her eyes locked on alex, watching him. suddenly, a burst of fire flashes from below frame. no! no! don't! schreck, weine and paramedics rush to the girl. schreck turns back, calling out to a paramedic, helplessly watching by ther burning car. breathes, pushes hard. alex's parents stand on each side of her, holding her hand, wiping her forehead. i felt him! when the baby was born. i felt alex pass through me. like the night he died. we beat it, alex. looks toward. looks across the room. camera settles, but her expression does not reflect fear. she knows alex is here. and she smiles, tears welling in her eyes. the wind softly and rapidly passes over clear. he smile remains as the room becomes still and her eyes looks across the room. I believe. that's what Alex believed. But how do we know. this wasn't the design all along?