carter checks the rearview mirror. clear looks out the front passenger window. she shakes her head, as if "no one's following us." billy leans forward from the backseat. carter drives. billy rides shotgun. alex and clear are in the back. everyone anxious, looking for cops. the interior bounces as the car clears a dip past the intersection. alex, clear, and billy tenses. every passenger hangs on as the car bounces from the next dip. carter takes his hands off the wheel and raises them in the air, like a terrorized child on a roller coaster. cater hooks his elbow on the window and his right arm around the front seat, driving; no hands. billy opens the door and pours out. clear and alex are quickly behind him. carter remains in the drivers seat. arms crossed, carter remains in the front seat. as the interior fills with light from the headlight of the oncoming train, carter turns and looks at them with a smart ass smile, pleased that he's shown how brave he truly is. with a beam of cocky definace. as he turns away from them, carter sees something in the rearview mirror.