it will be for you if you harass my students. fuck off. anyone seen billy hitchcock? how'd we lose him? please. i've got forty students going to paris. airline's not taking this very well. they'll let one of us back on and the rest can grab a six-ten flight. gets in two hours later at degaulle. it's alright. it's not that big of a deal. no, you know the whole french thing. get on the plane. alex, talk to me. what happened? you must have fallen asleep. tod. is everyone dead? are there any survivors? have they found any survivors? what's going on? larry murnau told me to get back on. but i told him to go. i sent him back on the plane. don't talk to me. you scare the hell out of me. a couple of weeks. some nights i'm woken up by the sound of my own voice, you know, inside my head, goin', "no, you know the whole french thing. get on the plane." everything here reminds me. of sending mr. murnau back on the plane. right, i'm hoping a change will help. i lived here my whole life and wherever i looked were great memories, you know. but now all i can see is mr. murnau. those kids. just looking out my own front yard. makes me feel mothing but fear. laura, i gotta call you back. this is valerie lewton. i need agent schreck. oh. mom's favorite. picks up the cup, raising it toward her lips. she pauses, her expression turning tragic. trembling. she takes a deep breath, getting a hold of herself. you gotta stop this! stop this! it's just a stupid mug. you're outta here. pretty soon. you'll be gone. sets the mug out of the way on the back edge of her desk. her back is to the desk, while pouring styrofoam peanuts into the box. in the b.g., flames, nearly supernaturally, leap up the walland toward the computer monitor. turns, holding her sheet of bubble wrap, shocked by the flames. a large jagged shard from the monitor flies into her throat. blood squirts from her neck onto the bubble wrap. her stunned expression is sickeningly numb from shock. behind her, the stove erupts in flames. they jump, leap like a tiger, landing on her shoulders and hair, which catch on fire. a half dozen knives, from small, but sharp, cutting blades to large butcher knives, cascade into her body. the block lands directly on the butcher knife handle, driving the blade further into ms. lewton's body. as death arrives, her eyes are macabrely focused above her.