heh heh! slow down, little fella. there's nothing to worry about. yeah, you know, like i'm from bob's fish mart. can't hear you, peach. oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! rubber dam and clamp installed? oooh, he's using a hedstrom file. it's got a teardrop cross-section. clearly a hedstrom. hedstrom! hedstro--! there i go. a little help over here. oh, darla. hitched a ride on the porcelain express. come on. so kid, you got a name or what? nemo! newcomer of orange and white, you have been called forth to the summit of mount wannahockaloogie to join with us in the fraternal bonds of tankhood. if you are able to swim through. the ring of fire! turn on the ring of fire! the ring of fire, you said you could do it--the ring of fire! yeah. why should this be any different? aye! you can do it, kid. he did it! oh my gosh! that's gotta be forty eight hundred teeth! wow! ha ha ha! not again! oh no! gotta get him out! sharkbait! are you okay!? tastes pretty good to me. stop it! that's it for the escape plan. it's ruined! false alarm. what're we gonna do when that little brat gets here? everybody jump in! sharkbait! he's dead! what's happening? why is he playing dead? he's gonna get flushed! dentist! dentist! go, gill! go! he did it! ha ha! yeah, that's it! you can do it! come on, peach! now what?