hello. name's bruce. it's all right, i understand. why trust a shark, right? so, what's a couple of bites like you doing out so late, eh? great! then how'd you morsels like to come to a little get-together i'm havin'? yeah, yeah, that's right--a party! what do you say? oh, come on, i insist. ha ha ha! mind your distance, though. those balloons can be a bit dodgy. you wouldn't want one of them to pop. anchor! chum! we got company. right, then. the meeting has officially come to order. let us all say the pledge. right, then. today's meeting is step 5, 'bring a fish friend'. now do you all have your friends? how 'bout you, chum? that's all right, chum. i had a feeling this would be a difficult step, you can help yourself to one of my friends. i'll start the testimonies. hello, my name is bruce. it has been three weeks since my last fish, on my honor, or may i be chopped up and made into soup. right, then. who's next? yes, the little sheila down the front. come on up here. good on 'ya, mate! all right, anyone else? hello, how 'bout you, mate? what's your problem? oh. okay. just start with your name. go on, tell us a joke! for a clownfish, he's not that funny. now there is a father looking for his little boy. i never knew my father! dory, are you oka--oohh. oohh, that's good. just a bite! food! i'm havin' fish tonight! just one bite! g'day! arrrr! here's brucey! what? swim away! swim away! uh, pardon me. hello. don't be alarmed. well, we'll see you next week.