look out! ohh. oh, oh. sorry! i didn't see you. sir, are you okay? there, there. it's all right. it'll be okay. hey, i've seen a boat. it passed by not too long ago. hi. i'm dory. oh, oh, oh! it-it went, um, this way! and it went this way! follow me! no problem. will you quit it? i'm trying to swim here. what, ocean ain't big enough for you? you got a problem, buddy? huh? huh? do 'ya? do 'ya? do 'ya? you want a piece of me? yeah, oooh, i'm scared now. whaat!? stop following me, okay!? a boat? hey, i've seen a boat. it passed by not too long ago. it went this way, it went this way. follow me! i did? oh dear. no, it's not. i know it's not. i'm so sorry. see, i suffer from short-term memory loss. no, it's true. i forget things almost instantly. it runs in my family. or at least i think it does. hmmm. where are they? can i help you? well, hi! ooh, i love parties! parties are fun! hey, look--balloons! it is a party! hey there! ooh! pick me! pick me! woo-hoo! hi. i'm dory. and, uh, well, i don't think i've ever eaten a fish. whew! i'm glad i got that off my chest. oh my, you poor fish. well then we gotta find a fish who can read this. hey, look. sharks! guys, guys! that's mine! give it to me! gimme! oww! ow, ow, ow. you really clocked me there. am i bleeding? ow, ow, ow. who is it? sorry, you'll have to come back later. we're trying to escape. look, here's something! 'esss-ca-pe'! i wonder what that means. it's funny, it's spelled just like the word 'escape'. i can read? that's right, i can read! you want that mask? okay. aw, is the party over? are you gonna eat that? careful with that hammer. sea monkey has my money. yes, i'm a natural blue. look out! sharks eat fish! aaaaaah! wow. dusty. hoo doot doo doot doot doo doot. whoo-hoo! la la la la la la. just keeps going on, doesn't it? echo! echo! hey, what are you doing? did you drop it? hey, mr. grumpy gills. when life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? just keep swimming. just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. what do we do? we swim, swim. ho ho ho ho ho ho! i love to swim! when you want to swim. sorry. aaah! something's got me! who was that? are. are you my conscience? hmm, can't complain. i see. i see a light. yeah. over there. hey, conscience. am i dead? it's so pretty. i want to touch it. oh! i'm gonna get you. i'm gonna get you. i'm gonna swim with you. haah! what mask? okay, i can't see a thing. hey, look! a mask! i'm sorry, but if you could just bring it a little closer, i kind of need the light. that's great, keep it right there. okay, okay. mr. bossy. uh, 'p'. okay, 'p'. 'shh-eer. sher--p. sher--p. shirley? p.--'. oh! the first line's 'p. sherman'! okay, second line. '42'. light, please. 'walla--walla--walla-beee'. the second line's '42 wallaby way'! 'sydney'. it's 'sydney'! aaah! no, no, no eating here tonight. you on a diet-- 'p. sherman, 42 wallaby way, sydney'. i remember what it said! i usually forget things, but i remembered it this time! i don't know. but who cares? i remembered! p. sherman, 42 wallaby way, sydney. i remembered it again! i'm going to p. sherman, 42 wallaby way, sydney. where are you going? i'm going to p. sherman, 42 wallaby way, sydney. if you're askin' where i'm goin'. i'll tell you that's where i'm going. it's p. sherman, 42 wallaby way, sydney. where? i'm sorry, i didn't hear you. p. sherman, 42 wallaby way. p. sherman 42 wallaby way, sydney. why do i have to tell you over and over again? i'll tell you again. i don't get tired of it-- huh? okay. uh-huh. huh? you want me to leave? you mean. you mean you don't. like me? um, i don't remember. were you? mm-mmm-mmmm. oh, oh, i've seen one of those. wait, wait, um. oh-oh-oh! it's on the tip of my tongue. clam! oh, they're good. ha ha ha ha ha! oh dear. hey, hey come back! hey, what's the matter? boy, bet that's frustrating. you're son chico? right. got it. well, i'm helping you. wait right here. hey, guys. no, no, he's a good guy. go easy on him, he's lost his son, fabio. any of you heard of p. sherman, 42 wallaby way, sydney? oh, hey! they know sydney! you wouldn't know how to get there, would you? oh, please. i'm just your little helper. helping along, that's me. oh, you guys. you really nailed him. bye. yes. trench, through it, not over it. i'll remember. hey, hey! hey! hey! hey, wait up, partner. hold on. wait! wait-wait! i got, i gotta tell you something. whoa. nice trench. hello! okay, let's go. whoa, whoa, partner. little red flag goin' up. somethin's telling me we should swim through it, not over it. i'm sorry, but i really, really, really think we should swim through. come on, trust me on this. yes, trust. it's what friends do. okay. boy, sure is clear up here. hey, little guy. i shall call him squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my squishy. come here, squishy. come here, little squishy. ---oww! bad squishy! bad squishy! don't touch it! don't touch it! heeey, how come it didn't sting you? ow! ow, oww! ow, ow! oww! yeah. hey, watch this! boing! boing! boing-boing-boing! you can't catch me! ooh! two in a row, beat that. a game? a game? aah! i love games! pick me! okay! okay! something about tentacles, got it. on your mark, get set, go! weeee! gotta go faster if you wanna win! boing! boing! boing-boing-boing-boing! weeee! yeah, careful i don't make you cry when i win! ha ha ha ha! whooo! give it up, old man. you can't fight evolution, i was built for speed. huh? hungry? ugh. am i disqualified? p. sherman. wallaby way. sydney. awake. p. sherman. 42 wallaby way. hmm-mmm. 29, 30! ready or not, here i come! there you are! catch me if you can! ha ha! ha ha ha ha! hey! look, everybody! well, go on, jump on him. sorry. i was a little vague on the details. no way. oh, boy. this is gonna be good, i can tell. right there! i see it! i see it! yes! whoooo! hey, look! turtles! bye, everyone! whoa. we goin' in there? p. sherman, 42 wallaby way, sydney? just keep swimming, just keep swimming. hey, how about we play a game? uh, okay. i'm thinking of something, uh, orange. and it's small. right. okay. orange, and uh, small. all righty, mr. smarty pants. orange and small, and white stripes. okay, that's just scary. hey. hey! whoa, whoa, whoa! hey! relax. take a deep breath. now, let's ask somebody for directions. well, there has to be someone. it's the ocean, silly, we're not the only two in here. let's see. okay, no one there. uhh, nope. nada. there's somebody. hey! excuse-- what is it with men and asking for directions? you wanna get outta here, don't you? well then, how are we gonna do that unless we give it a shot and hope for the best? hmmm? hmmmm!? come on, trust me on this. excuse me! woohoo! little fella? hello. don't be rude, say 'hi'. his son bingo. nemo, was taken to, uh. oh. oh, oh, big fella. big fe--whale. okay. maybe he only speaks whale. cooome-baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! maybe a different dialect. moooooooooooooo! moooooaaaaaaaaaa! maybe i should try humpback. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooo!!! waaaaaaaaaoooooo!!! maybe louder, huh? raaah!!! raaaah!!! too much orca. didn't it sound a little orca-ish? moooo. mooooooooooooooo!!! don't worry. whales don't eat clownfish, they eat krill. oh, look. krill. aah-aaah! aaaaaaaaaah! ha~~haaa~~haaaaaaah! whooo! here comes a big one--whooooooo! come on, you gotta try this! why? what's wrong? a whale? wow. a whale. you know i speak whale. woo-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-hoo! hey. you okay? there, there. it's all right. it'll be okay. sure it will, you'll see. huh. that's a funny thing to promise. well, you can't never let anything happen to him. then nothing would ever happen to him. not much fun for little harpo. hmm. i don't know. i'll ask him. mmmwwhaaaaaaaaa! huuuwhaaaaaaaaa. ooooooooonnn? i think he says we've stopped. really? you sure about that? hmm. i'd say it's half full. okay, that one was a little tougher. he either said we should go to the back of the throat or he wants a root beer float. okay. heeeeeeeee-- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! i'll check! whaaaaaaa--! yes, i can! okay. he says it's time to let go! everything's gonna be all right! i don't! look! sy-d-ney. sydney! uh, sydney! sydney again! wow. i wish i could speak whale. right! all right, do any of these boats look familiar to you? i'm totally excited. are you excited? duck! aaaaaaaaaaaah! aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! whoooooo! woohooooo! ha-haaaa! ha ha ha ha! oh my goodness. hey. hey! hey, wait a minute. w-w-wait! where are you going? no. no, you can't! stop! please don't go away. please? no one's ever stuck with me for so long before. and if you leave, if you leave. i just, i remember things better with you. i do. look, p. sherman, 42. 40. 2. agh! i remember it, i do. it's there, i know it is because when i look at you, i can feel it. and i, i look at you and. i'm home. please. i don't want them to go away. i don't wanna forget. aah! no! i don't know where i am! i don't know what's going on, i think i lost somebody but i, i can't remember. i'm dory. nemo? that's a nice name. dad! dad! wait a minute, is it your dad or my dad? got it. dad! dad! dad! oh. s-ss-syl--shi--sydney. 'p. sherman, 42 wallaby way, sydney'. aaaaah! nemo! it's you! aaaaaah! you're nemo! oh! you're nemo! you were dead! i saw you! and then i-- , here you are! i found you! you're not dead! and your father-- ! your father! this way! he went this way! quick! hey! hey, hey! hey! hey! have you seen an orange fish swim by? it looks just like him! nemo's alive! aaaaaaaaaaaah! look out! help! aaaaaaaaaaaah!!! heeeeeeeelp!!! help! help! get us out! aaaaaaaah! everybody swim down! swim down, okay? just keep swimming, just keep swimming. hey! thanks, guys. not food! bye! bye, elmo!