no. you got yourself in there, you can get yourself out. i just wanna see him do it, okay? calm down. alternate wiggling your fins and your tail. never stopped me. just think about what you need to do. perfect. yeah. i'm thinking, tonight, we give the kid a proper reception. state your name. brother bloat, proceed. from this moment on, you will now be known as sharkbait. welcome, brother sharkbait! enough with the sharkbait. okay, sharkbait's one of us now, agreed? we can't send him off to his death. darla's coming in 5 days, so what are we gonna do? i'll tell you what we're gonna do: we're gonna get him outta here. we're gonna help him escape. we're all gonna escape! 'cause we've got him. you see that filter? you're the only one who can get in and out of that thing. what we need you to do is take a pebble inside and jam the gears. you do that and this tank's gonna get filthier and filthier by the minute. pretty soon, the dentist'll have to clean the tank himself. and when he does, he'll take us out of the tank, put us in the individual baggies, then we roll ourselves down the counter, out of the window, off the awning, into the bushes, across the street and into the harbor! it's foolproof! who's with me? he's fine, he can do this. so sharkbait, what do you think? you miss your dad, don't you, sharkbait? well, you're lucky to have someone out there who's lookin' for you. peach, any movement? keep on him. my first escape, landed on dental tools. i was aimin' for the toilet. all drains lead to the ocean, kid. aah, i've lost count. fish aren't meant to be in a box, kid. it does things to 'ya. that's your cue, sharkbait. okay, you gotta be quick. once you get in, you swim down to the bottom of the chamber and i'll talk you through the rest. go on, it'll be a piece of kelp. nicely done! can you hear me? here comes the pebble. now, do you see a small opening? okay, inside it you'll see a rotating fan. very carefully, wedge that pebble into the fan to stop it turning. careful, sharkbait. he'll be fine. try again. that's it, sharkbait. nice and steady. that's great, kid! now, swim up the tube and out. sharkbait! get 'im outta there! get 'im outta there! stay calm, kid! just don't panic! sharkbait! grab hold of this! feed me more! come on, sharkbait! grab it! pull! no. we're done. hey, sharkbait. no, i'm the one who should be sorry. i was so ready to get out, so ready to taste that ocean. i was willing to put you in harm's way to get there. nothing should be worth that. i'm sorry i couldn't get you back to your father, kid. really? three sharks!? he was lookin' for you after all, sharkbait. sharkbait! sharkbait! we'll help you, kid! can you hear me, sharkbait!? nemo! can you hear me!? sharkbait, you did it! that took guts, kid. no cleaning. everybody else, be as gross as possible. think dirty thoughts. we're gonna make this tank so filthy, the dentist'll have to clean it. good work. look at that. would you look at that? filthy. absolutely filthy. and it's all thanks to you, kid. you made it possible. jacques, i said no cleaning! he he! did you hear that, sharkbait? are you ready to see your dad, kid? of course you are. y'know, i wouldn't be surprised if he's out there in the harbor waitin' for you right now. boss must've installed it last night while we were sleepin'. what's it say, peach? i can't hear you, peach. stay down, kid! i'm thinkin', i'm thinkin'. nemo! hold on! i'm comin'! swim down! come on, kid! swim down! come on! that's it! good work! nemo! just calm down, nemo. you won't go belly up, i promise. you're gonna be okay. sharkbait! he's still alive! he's gonna get flushed down the toilet! he's gonna get outta here! oh no, not the trash can! he's over there! quick! to the top of mt. wannahockaloogie! bloat! ring of fire! sharkbait. tell your dad. i said. hi. go get 'em. don't worry. all drains lead to the ocean. come on, peach! you can do it!