pet palace. so which one is it? ah, the ocean. the ocean! aaah! he hasn't been decontaminated yet! jacques! clean him! ocean! yes! what did he use to open? that's not a hedstrom file. that's a k-flex. no, no. k-flex. k-flex! ugh! the human mouth is a disgusting place. the dentist took him off the reef. she wouldn't stop shaking the bag. oh, he's stuck! you did it! sharkbait! ooh. ba-ba-doo. gill, please, not another one of your escape plans. i think your nuts. no offense, kid, but, um. you're not the best swimmer. whew! what do we do!? what do we do!? that's it! i don't know, but whatever you do, don't mention d-a-r. he's swimming to the filter! you've got your whole life ahead of you! come on, kid! grab the end! no! sharkbait, you're--covered with germs! aaaaaaah!!! aah! aaaah! ooh-ooh! aaaaah! bloat, that's disgusting! eww! don't you people realize we are swimming in our own-- scan? what does that mean? aaah! ooh. ah. curse you, aquascum! my nerves can't take much more of this. what a smart little guy! smack her in the head! is he gonna be okay, gill? just a little further!