wow. wow. wow. so, coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn't think that we we're gonna get the whole ocean, did you? huh? oh yeah. a fish can breath out here. did your man deliver or did he deliver? and it wasn't so easy. you better believe they did--every single one of them. so, you do like it, don't you? coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. they deserve the best. look, look, look. they'll wake up, poke their little heads out and they'll see a whale! see, right by their bedroom window. oh, right. right. you wanna name all of 'em, right now? all right, we'll name this half marlin jr. and then this half coral jr. okay, we're done. nemo? well, we'll name one nemo but i'd like most of them to be marlin jr. yeah. what if they don't like me? no, really. you remember how we met? well, i remember. 'excuse me, miss, can you check and see if there's a hook in my lip?' here he is. cutie's here! where did everybody go? coral, get inside the house, coral. no, coral, don't. they'll be fine. just get inside, you, right now. no! coral! coral? coral? oh! ohh. there, there, there. it's okay, daddy's here. daddy's got you. i promise, i will never let anything happen to you. nemo. i don't wanna go to school. five more minutes. okay. huh? all right, i'm up. nemo! nemo, don't move! don't move! you'll never get out of there yourself. i'll do it. all right, where's the break? you feel a break? sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid is rushing to the area. now, any rushing fluids? are you woozy? how many stripes do i have? answer the stripe question! no! see, something's wrong with you. i have one, two, three--that's all i have? oh, you're okay. how's the lucky fin? let's see. are you sure you wanna go to school this year? 'cause there's no problem if you don't. you can wait 5 or 6 years. ah-ah-ah! forgot to brush. do you want this anemone to sting you? brush. you missed a spot. there. ha ha! right there. and here and here and here! all right, we're excited. first day of school, here we go. we're ready to learn to get some knowledge. now, what's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? that's my boy. so, first we check to see that the coast is clear. we go out and back in. and then we go out, and back in. and then one more time--out and back in. and sometimes, if you wanna do it four times-- all right. come on, boy. no, and i don't plan to. sea turtles? i don't know. well, you know what, if i ever meet a sea turtle, i'll ask him. after i'm done talking to the shark, okay? whoa, whoa, whoa! hold on, hold on, wait to cross. hold my fin, hold my fin. hey, that snail was about to charge. hmm, i wonder where we're supposed to go. come on, we'll try over there. excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher? yes. shocking, i know. marlin. well, actually, that's a common misconception. clownfish are no funnier than any other fish. all right, i know one joke. um, there's a mollusk, see? and he walks up to a sea, well he doesn't walk up, he swims up. well, actually the mollusk isn't moving. he's in one place and then the sea cucumber, well they--i mixed up. there was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. none of them were walking, so forget that i-- i would feel better if you go play over on the sponge beds. that's where i would play he was born with it, kids. we call it his lucky fin. whoa, you better stay with me. just so you know, he's got a little fin. i find if he's having trouble swimming, let him take a break. ten, fifteen minutes. bye, nemo! bye, son! be safe. well, you can't hold onto them forever, can you? they just gotta grow up--the drop off?! they're going to the drop off?! wh-what are you, insane?! why don't we fry 'em up now and serve them with chips!? don't tell me to be calm, pony boy! nemo, no! you were about to swim into open water! it was a good thing i was here. if i hadn't showed up, i don't know-- this does not concern you, kids. and you're lucky i don't tell your parents you were out there. you know you can't swim well. no, it's not okay. you shouldn't be anywhere near here. okay, i was right. you'll start school in a year or two. clearly, you're not ready. and you're not coming back until you are. you think you can do these things but you just can't, nemo! i'm sorry. i didn't mean to interrupt things. he isn't a good swimmer and it's a little too soon for him to be out here unsupervised. nemo! what do you think you're doing? you're gonna get stuck out there and i'll have to get you before another fish does! get back here! i said get back here, now! stop! you take one move, mister. don't youdare! if you put one fin on that boat. are you listening to me? don't touch the bo--nemo! you paddle your little tail back here, nemo. that's right. you are in big trouble, young man. do you hear me? big. big-- i'm coming, nemo! oh! nemo! unh! nemo! nemo, no! nemo! nemo! nemo! no! no! aah! nemo! nemo! oh no. no, no. it's gone, it's gone. no, no, it can't be gone. no, no! nemo! nemo! nemo! no! nemo! nemo! no! no, please, no! no, no! has anybody seen a boat!? please! a white boat! they took my son! my son! help me, please! waaaah! ooh, ooh. he's gone, he's gone. he's gone. no, no. they took him away. i have to find the boat. you have? a white one? where!? which way!? hey! wait! what? huh? wait a minute. what? you're showing me which way the boat went! wait a minute, wait a minute! what is going on? you already told me which way the boat was going! if this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny! and i know funny. i'm a clownfish! short-term memory loss. i don't believe this! something's wrong with you, really. you're wasting my time. i have to find my son. nothing. we're not doing anything. we're not even out. parties are fun, and it's tempting but-- o-okay. that's all that matters. me? i don't have a problem. okay. uh, hello. my name is marlin. i'm a clownfish-- actually i do know one that's pretty good. there was this mollusk and he walks up to a sea cucumber. normally, they don't talk, sea cucumbers, but in a joke, everyone talks. so the sea mollusk says to the cucumber. nemo! no, no, no, no. he's my son. he was taken by these divers. ugh! what do these markings mean? i can't read human. no, no, no, dory! no, dory! oh, i'm sorry. are you okay? i'm so sorry. ohh. dory, look out! there's no way out! there's got to be a way to escape! dory, help me find a way out! there's gotta be a way out! let's go! well, then here. read this now! oh no, it's blocked! i need to get that mask! no, no, no, no, no, no! quick grab the mask! nemo. nemo. huh? no, no! what does it say? dory! wake up! get up! come on! come on! the mask! where's the mask? no! no, not the mask! get it! get the mask! get the mask! get it! it's gone. i've lost the mask. you dropped it! that was my only chance of finding my son, now it's gone. i don't wanna know what you gotta do when life gets you down. dory, no singing. see, i'm going to get stuck now with that song now it's in my head! dory, do you see anything? that was me. i'm sorry. who could it be? it's me! yeah, yeah. i'm your conscience. we haven't spoken for a while. how are you? yeah? good. now, dory. i want you to tell me. do you see anything? a light. no, i see it too. what is it? i'm feeling. happy. which is a big deal for me. hey, come back. come on back here. i'm gonna get you. i'm gonna be your best friend. good feeling's gone. i can't see! i don't know where i'm going! the mask! oh, gee! read it! just read it! p. sherman doesn't make any sense! don't eat me! don't eat me! aaaah! waah! waaah! waaaah! that's great! speed read! take a guess! no pressure! no problem! there's a lot of pressure! pressure! take a guess now with pressure! duck! i'm dead, i'm dead, i'm dead, i'm dead, i'm dead, i died, i'm dead. whoo-hoo! we did it, we did it! oh yeah, yeah, yeah! no eating here tonight, whoo! dory. dory! what did the mask say? whoa, whoa, wait! where is that? excuse me. ex-excuse me, um, hi. do you know how to get to--hello? w-w-w-wait! can you tell me--hey! hold it! wait a minute! i'm trying to talk to you. okay, fellas, come back here. please, one quick question. i need to aaaaand they're gone again. okay, all right. here's the thing. y'know, i just, i-i think it's best if i just, if i just, carry on from here by. by myself. y'know, alone. without, without. well, i mean, not without you. i mean, it's just that i don't want you. with me. i don't wanna hurt your feelings. well, i mean not. yes, yeah. it's just that you know i-i just can't afford anymore delays and you're one of those fish that cause delays. and sometimes it's a good thing. there's a whole group of fish. they're'delay fish'. no, of course i like you. it's because i like you i don't wanna be with you. it's a complicated emotion. oh, don't cry. i like you. no, no, no, no, no. we're just, we're. hey, do you guys know how i can get to-- it's a swordfish. lobster. what? will somebody please give me directions? i'm serious. thank you. what's the matter? while they're doing their silly little impressions, i am miles from home, with a fish that can't even remember her own name. yeah. meanwhile my son is out there. nemo. but it doesn't matter, 'cause no fish in this entire ocean is gonna help me. great! that's great! dory, you did it! well, listen fellas, thank you. bad trench, bad trench. come on, we're gonna swim over this thing. are you even looking at this thing? it's got death written all over it. and i'm really, really done talking about this. over we go. trust you? look! something shiny! oh, it just swam over the trench. come on, we'll follow it. exactly. and look at that, there's the current. we should be there in no time. you wanted to go through the trench. dory! that's a jellyfish! shoo! shoo, shoo! get away! come here, let me see. i'm not gonna touch it. i just wanna look. it did. it's just that. hold still. i live in this anemone and i'm, i'm, i'm used to these kind of stings. come here. it doesn't look bad, you're gonna be fine. but now we know, don't we? that we don't wanna touch these again. let's be thankful this time it was just a little one. don't move! this is bad, dory. dory! dory! don't bounce on the tops! they will. not sting you. the tops don't sting you, that's it! dory! all right, listen to me. i have an idea, a game. a game. yes. all right, here's the game. um, whoever can hop the fastest out of these jellyfish, wins. rules, rules, rules! you can't touch the tentacles, only the tops. w-wait! wait! not something about them, it's all about them! wait! dory! dory! wait a minute--whoa! dory! so, we're cheating death now. that's what we're doin'. we're havin' fun at the same time. i can do this, just be careful. oh, i don't think so! the question is, dory, are you hungry? yeah, 'cause you're about to eat my bubbles! duck to the left! right there! the clownfish is the winner! woohoo! we did it! we're gonna. dory? oh no. dory! dory! dory! dory! uggghhh! no, you're doing fine! you're, you're actually winning! but you gotta stay awake. uh, where does p. sherman live? that's it! oww! ow! stay awake! stay awake! ow! stay awake! stay--awake! awake. awake. wake up. nemo. ooh. ooooh. ooooh. what happened? what're you talking about? ooh. ooh. ooh, my stomach. ooooh. so mr. turtle. crush? really? okay crush, listen i need to get to the east australian current. eac? grabbing--waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! aaaaaaaaaaaah!!! aaaaaaaaaaaah!!! whooooooaaaa!!! stop! well, dory and i need to get to sydney. dory! dory! is she all right!? dory, dory! dory! oh, dory. i-i-i'm so sorry. this is all my fault, it's my fault. huh? oh my goodnes! well, apparently, i must've done something you all like. heh, uh, dudes. ow. all by themselves? but-but-but dude, how do you know when they're ready? w-w-wai-wait-- hold on, i need to breath-- one at a time! well, you see my son was taken. my son was taken away from me. no, no, no, kids. i don't wanna talk about it. well, okay. i live on this reef, a long long way from here. and my son, nemo, see he was mad at me. and maybe he wouldn't have done it if i hadn't been so tough on him, i don't know. anyway, he swam out in the open water to this boat and when he was out there, these divers appeared and i tried to stop them but the boat was too fast. so we swam out in the ocean to follow them. where!? i don't see it! you mean the swirling vortex of terror!? of course it is. it's like he's trying to speak to me, i know it! you know, you're really cute! but i don't know what you're saying! say the first thing again! no worries! thank you, dude crush! oh, nemo would've loved this. hey, ooh! hey, crush! crush, i forgot! how old are you? hundred and fifty! hundred and fifty, i gotta remember that. yup. yup. we're gonna just swim straight. dory? boy, this is taking a while. okay. it's me. it's me. me. and the next one's just a guess: me. w-w-wait, i have definitely seen this floating speck before. that means we've passed it before and that means we're going in circles and that means we're not going straight! we gotta get to the surface, come on! let's figure it out up there. let's go! follow me! wha--? oh, fine. who do you wanna ask, the speck? there's nobody here! dory! dory! dory! okay, now it's my turn. i'm thinking of something dark and mysterious. it's a fish we don't know. and if we ask it directions, it could ingest us and spit out our bones! look, i don't wanna play the gender card right now. you wanna play a card? let's play the 'let's not die' card. of course, i do. all right. ha. hello. nemo. sydney. dory, i'm a little fella. i don't think that's a little fella. uh, dory. what're you doing? what're you doing? are you sure you speak whale? dory! heaven knows what you're saying! see, he's swimming away. he's not coming back. you offended him. dory. dory, this is not whale. you're speaking like. upset stomach. no, don't try humpback. okay, you actually sound sick. don't do that! it doesn't sound orca! it sounds like nothing i've ever heard! it's just as well, he might be hungry. move, dory! move! aaaaaaaaaaaah! ooof! aaaaaaaaaaaah! would you just stop it!? we're in a whale! don't you get it!? a whale! 'cause you had to ask for help! and now we're stuck here! no, you're insane! you can't speak whale! i have to get out! i have to find my son! i have to tell him how old sea turtles are! no. no, it won't. no. i promised him i'd never let anything happen to him. what? what's going on? dory. dory. dory. of course, we've stopped. just stop trying to speak whale, you're gonna make things worse. what is that noise? oh no. look what you did. the water's going down! it's-it's-it's going down! look, it's already half-empty! stop that! it's half-empty! of course he wants us to go there! that's eating us! how do i taste, moby!? huh!? do i taste good!? you tell him i'm not interested in being lunch! stop talking to him--waaaah! what is going on!? no! no more whale! you can't speak whale! no, you can't! you think you could do these things but you can't, nemo! dory! ha ha ha! we're alive! you were right, dory! we made it! we're gonna find my son! thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank-yooooooooooooouuuu-siiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! okay. all we gotta do is find the boat that took him. come on, dory. we can do this! no, but the boat has to be here somewhere! come on, dory, we're gonna find it. dory, wake up, wake up. come on. that's not a duck. it's a--pelican! whooooaaaaah! no! i didn't come this far to be breakfast! i gotta find my son nemo! dory, keep going! he's crazy! hop in your mouth, huh? and how does that make me live? yeah, right. that's nemo! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! where's nemo!? where is he!? oh yes, you can! charge! nemo. nemo! dory. if it wasn't for you, i never even would have made it here. so, thank you. it's over, dory. we were too late. nemo's gone and i'm going home now. i'm sorry, dory, but i do. sorry. just trying to get home. nemo? nemo? dory? nemo! nemo! i'm coming, nemo! nemo! oh, thank goodness! it's all right, son. it's gonna be okay. move! move! dory! no, no, no! no! dory! nemo! no! get out of there, now! no, i am not gonna lose you again! you're right. i know you can. now go! hurry! well!? you heard my son! come on! swim down together! do you understand what i'm saying to you!? swim down! down! swim down! swim down! swim down! don't give up! keep swimming! just keep swimming! just keep swimming! keep swimming! you're doing great, son! come on! let's get to the bottom! keep swimming! almost there! keep swimming! oww! dory! where's nemo!? oh no. nemo! nemo? nemo? it's okay. daddy's here, daddy's got you. oh, thank goodness. no, no, no. i'm so sorry, nemo. hey, guess what? sea turtles? i met one! and he was a hundred and fifty years old. yep. sandy plankton? do you think i would cross the entire ocean and not know as much as sandy plankton!? he was a hundred and fifty! not one hundred! who is this sandy plankton who knows everything? time for school! time for school! get up! let's go! go! i'm gonna win! oh! my own son beats me! so just then, the sea cucumber looks over to the mollusk and says : 'with fronds like these, who needs anemones?'! bye, son! have fun! i love you too, son. sorry! now go have an adventure! nemo. bye, son.