hey, you! lady, is this guy botherin' you? look, pal. we're talkin' to the lady, not you. hey-hey, you like impressions? okay. just like in rehearsals, gentlemen. so, what are we? take a guess. i'm a fish with a nose like a sword. hey, clown boy! let the lady guess. where's the butter? saw that. lots of legs, lives in the ocean. close enough. oh, it's a whale of a tale, i'll tell you lad, a whale of a tale. will somebody please give me directions? blah-blah-blah! me-me-blah! blah-blah-blah-blah-me-me-me! what, is he bothering you again? sydney? oh sure. why, ted here's got relatives in sydney. don't you, ted? what you wanna do is follow the eac, that's the east australian current. big current, can't miss it, it's in. that direction. and then you gotta follow that for about, i don't know, what do you guys think? about three leagues? and that little baby's gonna put you right past sydney. don't mention it. and, uh, loosen up. okay, buddy? oh, hey ma'am, one more thing. when you come to this trench, swim through it, not over it.