what did i miss? am i late? root canal, eh? what did he use to open? he seems to be favoring that one. hope he doesn't get surplus sealer at the portal terminus. hello. who's this? an outie. from my neck of the woods, eh? sorry if i ever took a snap at you. fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat. oh, would you just shut up! you're rats with wings! nemo? there, take it! you happy! hey, hey, hey! say that again! you said something about nemo. what was it? ho ho! brilliant! all right! hey, hey, hey, hey--! hey, hey. psst! ooh! has he loosened the periodontal ligament yet--oh, what i'm talkin' about!? nemo! where's nemo? i gotta speak with him. your dad's been fighting the entire ocean looking for you. oh yeah. he's travelled hundreds of miles. he's been battling sharks and jellyfish and all sorts of-- are you sure? what was his name? some sort of sportfish or something: tuna, uh, trout. that's it! marlin! the little clownfish from the reef. i heard he took on three. you see, kid, after you were taken by diver dan over there, your dad followed the boat you were on like a maniac. he's swimming and he's swimming and he's giving it all he's got and then three gigantic sharks capture him and he blows them up! and then dives thousands of feet and gets chased by a monster with huge teeth! he ties this demon to a rock and what does he get for a reward? he gets to battle an entire jellyfish forest! and now he's riding with a bunch of sea turtles on the east australian current and the word is he's headed this way right now, to sydney! huh? wha-what? yeah. reckon somebody oughta help the poor guy. well, don't everybody fly off at once. all right, gerald, what is it? fish got your tongue? love a duck! i got something to tell 'ya! okay, don't make any sudden moves. hop inside my mouth if you want to live. because i can take you to your son. no. i know your son. he's orange, he's got a gimpy fin on one side. fasten your seatbelts! everybody hold on! hey! hey! i found his dad! i can't go in there. i'm, i'm so sorry. truly, i am.