he likes bubbles. honey, your dad's probably back at the pet store. ebay. we got a live one! i said we got a live one. root canal, and by the looks of those x-rays it's not gonna be pretty. yep. gator-glidden drill. he seems to be favoring that one lately. now he's doing the schilder technique. hey, nigel. root canal and it's a doozy. gator-glidden drill. she's a fish killer. gill. wow. from the ocean. just like you, gill. i've seen that look before. what are you thinking about? we want you in our club, kid. isn't there another way? he's just a boy! he's had at least four cups of coffee, it's gotta be soon. potty break! potty break! he just grabbed the reader's digest! we have 4.2 minutes. gill, this isn't a good idea. oh no! gill, don't make him go back in there. oh, nigel. you just missed an extraction. hey, look. scum angel. nine o' clock and cue dentist. okay. okay, here we go. here we go, okay. okay. walks to the counter, drops the keys. shhh! here he comes. morning. it's morning, everyone! today's the day! the sun is shining, the tank is clean and we are getting out of-- --the tank is clean. the tank is clean! the aquascum two-thousand. 'the aquascum 2003 is an all-purpose, self-cleaning maintenance free salt water purifier that is guaranteed to even extend the life of your aquarium fish'. 'the aquascum is programmed to scan your tank environment every 5 minutes'? nice. find a happy place, find a happy place, find a happy place! he's not dead! hurry! that's the shortest red light i've ever seen! oooh--aaaaah!