you're not going to play it again. no. you said. i'm too moved by your gentility to speak. you're playing the other side. cerveza. now, now. but you heal fast. why'nt you take 'at sign off your tit, ray, an' let's go on out. i don't know, i'll holler up elton an' stoney. you can sing the song. that's right, hand. go on, get up there. and stay relaxed this time. now don't loft it, just release it like i told you. it's not the damn ball. no, i'm not mad at you, hand. it'll be all right. just spot and follow through. shit. nice ball, el. right. now show me a little somethin' this time, okay? give me some form. will you just do what the hell i tell you. you got another ball comin'. yeah, great. why don't you throw z's for 19 frames, and then roll a strike on the last ball in the last frame of a losing game? just wonderful. wasn't it, ladies? yeah, why don't you do that. okay. go ahead. i'll settle up for the beers. an' walk rayette over with you, will you. no. how much do i owe you? am i on tv? well, i don't claim to have sold 'em all. they still have some left, i believe. i leave it to you. twinky? well, betty and twinky, it sure is nice talking to you girls. i just wish i had more time. a wig? your little friend's real sharp there. yeah, i don't like to wear the wig on tv, because with two and a half million people watching you, you've gotta be sincere. i just like to wear it when i'm out slippin' around bowling alleys an' things like that. i think it gives me a little more class, don't you? yeah, you could say it's me. well, you seem very professional. yeah, i can see how she'd come in handy. come on. we're goin' over to elton's. you just going to sit there? okay. hope no one hits on you. see you later, then. no one would want to hit on you, you look too pathetic. come on, dipesto. we can still have a good time. i'm going on over there. i know you're not. i'm sorry. now, hand. elton and stoney know how i feel about you. an' they're just goin' to think i'm not too nice a guy, which i'm not, an' that you're a hell of a person puttin' up with me, that's all. sssh, come on now. be a good girl. i'm not going to get up an' leave you. now let's go over to el's an' have a good time. well now, what do you think? can you believe this shit? goddamned freeway. jesus christ. look at these assholes! what the hell are they doing?! i can't take this shit anymore. i was with elton last night, ray. it's the truth. rayette. very cute. put it down, an' let's go. yeah. an' i oughta live in a trailer park with my front teeth poked out. it's ridiculous! i'm sitting here, listening to some asshole cracker compare his life to mine! just keep telling me about the good life, elton, if you want a see me puke my lunch! i hope that's all you gotta say, el, 'cause i'm about as tired of your mouth as i am workin' this stinkin' hole! hey, longcipher! i'm quitting! longcipher! i'm talking to you! did you hear me?! i said i'm quitting! hey! what's goin' on?! christ almighty, what's happening here? tell me what in the hell's going on, elton! would you tell her bobby's here? hi, tita. now don't. that's good. don't, then. well, i don't mean to. here's your tea, tita. sorry. oh. no. no kidding. very nice. everybody still up on the island? who's van oost? carl's a fiddler. what's he doing coaching piano? sprained his neck? crashes into a jeep and totals his neck. that's carl. what? oh, well, what, what's he. don't tell me about this. yeah. i guess so. no. i'd rather drive up myself and. maybe go into canada after. and i can't stay long, tita, probably a week, at the most. well. i better let you. maybe you better stay, then. well, i'll be seeing you in a couple of days, won't i? yeah, me, too. tita, i've got to go. hello?! you have the day off?! are you sick? you heard about elton, i guess. okay, i get your point. hope you didn't strain yourself, getting in here and into your pose before i hit the door. i have to go home. my father's sick. yeah, it's very funny. i'll be gone two or three weeks. i'll try and call you from up there. come on, dipesto. i never told you it would work out to anything. did i? i'll send you some money, that's all i can do. and. i'll call you, like i said. bye, ray. do you want to go with me, ray? i love it. what the hell is that? hey! what's going on, what's the trouble?! you're lucky no one was hurt. what's your name? what? washington. where are you going? alaska? are you on vacation? cleaner than what? how do you know it's clean? yeah. that's before the big thaw. who? well. shut up! all of you! i'll have an omelette, no potatoes. give me tomatoes instead, and wheat toast instead of rolls. what does that mean? you don't have any tomatoes? but i can't have any. is that what you mean? i know what it comes with, but that's not what i want. wait, i've made up my mind. i want a plain omelette, forget the tomatoes, don't put potatoes on the plate, and give me a side of wheat toast and a cup of coffee. what do you mean, you don't have side orders of toast? you make sandwiches, don't you? shut up. you have bread, don't you, and a toaster of some kind? okay, i'll make it as easy for you as i can. give me an omelette, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast -- no butter, no mayonnaise, no lettuce -- and a cup of coffee. now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, charge me for the sandwich, and you haven't broken any rules. yeah. i want you to hold it between your knees. you see this sign? i didn't get it, did i? no. is what you? who said i was depressed? oh, you're not going to kill yourself this time. i wish i'd known. if you just wouldn't open your mouth, everything would be fine. i have to see how things are first. my father's sick, you understand? they wouldn't be prepared for me bringing anyone. if you can't do what i ask, ray, use that money to go back home, then. okay, ray. sure. bye, honey, i'll call you in a couple of days. he doesn't even know who the hell i am. four or five years. what have i been doing? different things, different jobs, here and there. nothing that interesting. well, i really appreciate it, carl. how long have you been staying here? what? is she? thanks, carl. uhm hmm. some range. yes, it is. i can't take seeing him, sitting there like a stone. no, i don't. you should've left a long time ago. what questions? sometimes. why? am i some kind of freak to you or something? sort of. no, i don't really think you're a freak. what about carl and catherine? is he just coaching her, or what? uhm hmm. you're attractive, tita. if you just did a little more with yourself. well, if you just maybe did something with your hair, or. there's nothing to say, tita. i don't know. sorry. i guess you fell in the water. that's dangerous, you know. playing piano all day and then jumping into cold water. you could get a cramp. well, i wouldn't want to get too invigorated myself. what would i do with it? run amok? besides piano and swimming, what else do you do? nothing. that's right. have you anything to suggest? what're you doing right now. then after that? tomorrow, then. the day after tomorrow. yeah, i'll probably be free. i gave it a second thought. i have played a few times. here and there. as a matter of fact, i was once a rehearsal pianist for a las vegas musical revue. of course i do. it's music. you know. what? what? no, thanks. yeah, well fine, you know what i suggest, ray. because i don't know how long. things are not going that well here. yeah, well i'm not having any fun, either, so why don't you. no, you can't, it's just not convenient, and i have to get off. ray, i really have to go, i have to get off now. another couple of days, maybe. i'll call you and let you -- all right, if you're gone, you're gone. now i have to get off, okay? bye, ray. you sure you should be playing, carl? i don't know, there's something wrong with the way you move. your serve. two -- eighteen. i'd hate to see you walk across a concert stage like that. two -- nineteen. that's what i mean. i think you should get someone to coach you how to walk. i think it's a substantial problem. look at that. i'm not. he does walk funny. don't you see that? yeah, well, he's. i think he's got a terrific personality. look, can't you see that, what i'm talking about? at game, carl. that's three games to none, carl. i thought you had to go to the mainland today. aren't you going to miss the ferry? where is she, anyway? why don't you and spicer play? thank you. it wasn't supposed to be, it just struck me that way. nothing. it's just that. i picked the easiest piece i could remember. i think i first played it when i was 8 years old and i played it better then. i didn't have any. none. wait. what? catherine. shit. you think i'm a fake. no, it isn't what i think. yes, it was. you've made it clear that if i can cut a little piano, i might get a little response. up to now, what i've been getting from you are meaningful looks over the dinner table and a lot of vague suggestions about the day after tomorrow. it's convenient to fake looking for something right now, isn't it? some bath oil? what about this one? or this one? how about some jasmine? what about some musk? what are you doing, screwing around with this crap?! it's direct, anyway, which seems to be difficult for you. serious, that's what's important to you? okay, let's be serious. shut up. that's right. that's what you said? i'm fine. is he? yeah, i think i could. what? of course i'd like to. i don't know. rayette. just finish eating. oh, for chrissakes. i don't, huh? where are you going? i have to talk to you. no, i want to talk to you now. i have to explain something about. yes, it is! will you shut up for a minute!! pull your car out of line. will you let me talk to you, please? oh. you have to tell me that. catherine. don't sit there pointing at her. i said, don't point at her like that! what gives you the right to sit there and tell anybody about class and who the hell's got it, and what she typifies! you shouldn't even be in the same room with her, you creep! you're totally full of shit! you're all full of shit! i can't talk to you right now, leave me alone. tita, what the hell are you doing?! what's going on here!? where's catherine?! i'm talking to you, tita! keep your fucking hands off my sister, nurse! i just wanted to talk to you for a minute. just give me a chance, will you? and living out here, in this rest home asylum, that's what you want? that'll make you happy. okay. are you cold? i don't know if you'd be particularly interested in hearing anything about me. my life, i mean. most of it doesn't add up to much. that i could relate as a way of life that you'd approve of. i'd like to be able to tell you why, but i don't really. i mean, i move around a lot because things tend to get bad when i stay. and i'm looking. for auspicious beginnings, i guess. i'm trying to, you know, imagine your half of this conversation. my feeling is, that if you could talk, we probably wouldn't be talking. that's pretty much how it got to be before. i left. are you all right? i don't know what to say. tita suggested that we try to. i don't know. i think that she. seems to feel we've got. some understanding to reach. she totally denies the fact that we were never that comfortable with each other to begin with. the best i can do, is apologize. we both know i was never really that good at it, anyway. i'm sorry it didn't work out. yeah. i said a week, and i've overstayed myself. i didn't want to say goodbye to anyone. i'll say goodbye to you, tita. bye, now. come on. no, let's go. cut it out! no. fill it up. hey, wait a minute. no, i don't, i uh. it got burned up. everything in the car got the shit burned out of it. all i got left is what i have on. no, it's okay. it's all right. i'm fine. i'm all right. i'm fine.