no, the last time was three years ago. away from the piano, tita, you have no sense of time at all. it is true. you know, just after i came back off tour with the betenthaller quartet, dad, myself and herbert had a summit conference about you. i don't know where you were, penis envy. at any rate, dad wanted to hire a private detective to ferret you out, and i said, "what for?" whatever the hell he's doing, even if it's a completely wasteful escapade, it's entirely his business. simple as that. did you hear about my misfortune, robert? it's still nearly impossible for me to turn my neck. if i wanted to turn toward catherine, for instance, i'd first have to twist the whole base of my body around. . like this. no, i'm finished. satiety is my father and mother. she's tremendously gifted, this girl. i hope you feel at home, robert. i'm really glad you're here. i took some aspirin and it really upset my stomach. robert, do you mind? nothing. will you excuse us for a while? well, maybe if we put the thermaphore on me for a while, first. only 10 minutes of playing and it's already killing my neck. what do you mean? aside from my neck, i'm in superb shape. i'm not aware of it. like what? i've walked across a stage a number of times, without exciting any particular response. any particular humor, i meant. dammit! see? there's nothing wrong with the way i walk. now where are we? all right, let's have a rematch. too bad. just when i was hitting my stride. say goodbye to catherine for me, will you? tell her i'll be back sometime tomorrow! you've been staying in a motel all this time? i don't understand why you had to stay in a motel. there's more than enough room here. oh, no. you're more than welcome. not at all. no, you're not. go ahead and take your time. robert, let's not be rude, okay? it's a borzoi. robert, i think you better just.