how long have you been. oh, excuse me. i was just going to ask robert how long he's been away from here. what have you been doing since then? and you no longer play at all? i wouldn't mind doing a little work, if you're finished, and not too tired. excuse me, i don't want to hear this. hello. yes, intentionally. swimming? i love to swim, and i don't mind the cold at all. it's invigorating. why? well, there's fishing and boating. there's concerts on the mainland and. but i feel silly telling you. this is really your home. you probably know better than i what there is to do. nothing? then it must be very boring for you here. i don't know. let me give it some thought. right now i'm going to run a hot tub and soak myself. after that, i plan to read some music and rest for awhile. tomorrow's a full practice day. but the day after is kind of open. carl has hydrotherapy on tuesdays. if you're free. one thing that's hard to understand is how you could have this incredible background in music, and then just walk away from it, without a second thought. i mean, how could you not play anymore? that's so strange to me. you don't call that music, though. we really don't have to, carl, if you're not feeling good. oh, all right. that was beautiful, robert. i'm surprised. i was really very moved by the way you. is that funny? why? it doesn't matter. it was the feeling i was affected by. you had no inner feeling? then i must have been supplying it. well, at least you're accomplished at something. at being a fake. no, you're very good at it. i'm really impressed. i think it's what you think. look. you made a very calculated move, and then made me feel embarrassed for responding to you. that wasn't necessary. i don't think that's accurate. i'm not conscious of having given you any meaningful looks. and as for the day after tomorrow, this is the day after tomorrow, and i am, unfortunately, seeing you. now if you'll excuse me, i'd like to take a bath. i'm not faking anything. i'm looking for some bath oil. i don't find your language that charming. i'd like you to leave now. is that direct enough? you're not a serious person, by your own admission. and that may be interesting, but it doesn't interest me. yes, that's what's important to me. no, don't do that. no inner feeling. i don't believe vou. i married him when i was 17. he was a cellist, and i thought he was the most brilliant man i'd ever met. and i'm sure he was, because at that age, i hadn't met that many. but he was insidious, you know. he had me convinced that i was a mediocrity, musically, as a woman, as an intellect. but in this completely imperceptible, pleasant way, so that you weren't even sure he was doing it. anyway, i just woke up one morning and i said, you know something joseph, you're full of beans, and i left him. something witty and devastating like that. as a matter of fact, he's the one who introduced me to carl. how are you? carl restored my confidence. he really did. he's much more substantial than you give him credit for. yes. do you think you could discreetly move across the hall now? robert? i could spend some time with you tomorrow morning, before carl comes back, i mean, if you'd like to. thank you. i'm going to pick up some friends of carl's. are you all right? i'll be back later. no, you don't have to, it isn't necessary. no, i can't. i can't do that. i haven't been being fair to carl. i have to tell you that. what?! i can't hear you! i'm sorry everything's been so confusing, but i have to go, robert. please, i'll see you later this evening. and what about love? no, i wouldn't. i think these cold, "objective" discussions are aggressive, samia. you haven't dampened my spirit, samia. excuse me. no. it's useless, robert. it wouldn't work, not ever. i'm trying to be delicate with you, but you're not understanding me. it's not just because of carl, or my music, but because of you. i mean, what would it come to? if a person has no love for himself, no respect, no love for his work, his family, his friends, something. how can he ask for love in return? i mean, why should he ask for it? yes. i hope it will, yes. i'm sorry.