i'm gonna play it again. well, lemme play the other side then. now quit, bobby. you said you're goin' a help me pick a song. well, lemme sing the one i picked an' see what you think. "when there's a fire in your heart. break the glass. sound the alarm" oh, you prick. how 'bout if i just cut off your damn water? sugar, you know how i feel about you, don't you? i'm just tryin' to get you to take an interest in my kind a things, an' what i'm tryin' to do with myself. you know, there id'n anything in the world i wouldn't do for you, baby. i started livin' the day i found you, you know that? serveza yourself! no, dammit, i would easy. you can play the piano, an' your whole damn family can play on some type a musical instrument. an' all i'm askin' is for you to listen to my singing for one single little second. but you think you would? no, you're too damn selfish. out where? i'll go out with you, or i'll stay here, and do anything you'd like for me to do. if you'll just do one thing. if you'll tell me that you love me. you know what, you are never satisfied. oh, now, baby. is this suppose to be fun? the ball's too heavy for me, honey. i'm tryin', baby, so don't start gettin' mad now. id'n he somethin' to see? is it my turn again? i can't help it, honey, the ball just keeps goin' cocky wobbly on me. i did, didn' i, el? that was damn good, wad'n it? i finally did it. i'm gonna go wait in the car. i'm not. yes. i hope they do. you're the pathetic one, not me. i'm not some piece a crap. you treat me like i was. you go slippin' around in front a my face, an' in front a elton an' stoney. what do you imagine they think a someone you treat that way. you're goin' a find me dead one time. if you really want a get up an' leave me, you can read about it in the newsprint. do you love me, bobby? you son of a bitch. give me a swig, hon'. honey, took at this little bugger. id'n he the cutest little guy? you'll be gone, period. "there's been hot spells. an' cold spells ever since we met. i've seen your small fires. your big fires. but i won't give up yet. oh someday you'll yearn. 'cause your heart's gonna burn. for that old familiar glow. you'll be burned" you like it? "you'll be burned out. or smoked out. an' come back to me, i know" "every trail that you blaze. makes me" is it an accident? what'd she say? jesus, what a rude person. an' what's your name? i'll tell you. . l-a-t-e-r. there'd never be a hole big enough. now took at me, for instance, when i was just one person, before bobby, i had so much garbage collectin' onto me every day, i was thinkin' about gettin a dispose all. well. that's an old maid's tale. salesmen and cops are the ones. if you'd ever waitressed, honey, you'd know. don't call me "mack," honey. you better hold onto your tongue! just one minute, you! don't you ever talk to me like that! are you depressed about your daddy, honey? i 'magine it's me then, id'n it? you're depressed that i come along. well, is that a happy face i see? 'cause if it was me, i could just catch a greyhound back. i don't know if i'm gonna be able to sleep or not. hint, hint. i guess i'll just have to count the sheep. one-two-three-four. seven. eight. look at this old cold shoulder, what am i gonna do with it? tick a lock. why can't i go out to your folks' house? give me one good reason. so how long am i supposed to sit an' twiddle my thumbs in this place? bobby, don't talk like that. it'll be all right, i'll get a hold a some magazines an' things like that. an' maybe find a beauty salon an' get my hair fixed, okay? or maybe sit out by the pool an' get myself nice an' tan for you. would you like that? it brings out my eyes. okay. bye, baby. you certainly do have a beautiful piece a real estate out here, mr. dupea. can he hear me? well, that's a blessing, at least. this certainly is an improvement on the motel an' the coffee shop. how could you have left such a beautiful place, bobby? for two whole weeks, an' there wasn't hardly nobody there to talk to but me. the manager of the place told me it was the off season, an' it must a ben, because other'n me, there was just this 25-year-old kid, delyon, that didn't appear to be all there, an' this old married pair next to me that was always hollerin' for quiet. can you imagine? all you could a heard there was a pin, an' them, hollerin' away. well, i was goin' to, but bobby said he hadda kind of feel things up here first, which i can understand, but then it went an' took so long, i ran flat outa money. i didn't have no number to call, you know. so i hadda clear outa there an' come on up here, in the hopes that i wouldn't be intrudin' myself. well, thank you, that's a very nice thing for you to say. that certainly is a beautiful head a hair you have. is it natural? what? oh, am i holdin' up dessert? i do eat slow as a bird, whereas bobby can put it away like a speed swing. is there any ketchup around? it's all right. he don't mean anything by that. i guess bobby's just about the moodiest man i ever ben with. is there a tv in the house? there's some good things on it, though. the tv. there's some good things on it, sometimes. what kind of doggy is that? oh, uh huh. i had a little kittycat once, that bobby give me. remember, bobby?! the little pussycat you gave me?! she had four little white paws, an' oh, was i crazy over her. we hadda go an' leave her one time at some friends, an' she went out an' got smashed flatter'n a tortilla right outside their mobile home. well, she was. bobby. wait a sec. i want tita to take a picture of you an' me in front of the place. i never got the chance to thank you all for your hospitality. you tell carl for me, if any of you folks wanta come on down to our place anytime, you'd be more'n welcome. bye bye, now. "your kiss is like a drink when i'm thirsty. an' i'm thirsty for you with all my heart" "but don't love me. then act as though we've never kissed. oh, don't touch me" "don't touch me" "don't touch me" "don't touch me" "oh, don't touch" son of a bitch, bobby! you quit pushin' me away like that! i've had enough a that to last me a lifetime! whyn't you just try an' be good to me for a change!? there id'n anyone gonna look after you an' love you better'n i do, you know that. baby? did you hear me? i'm gonna go in that cafe an' get some coffee. you want anything? you got any change? don't you just have 50 cents or somethin'? okay, be right back. sure you don't want anything?