but the point is, man is born into the world with a pre-existent adversary, both real and imaginary, so you'd have to say that aggression was one of his primary, psychic inheritances, which. beg all you like, john, but the fact remains that man takes enormous delight in aggressive acts, as well as the portrayal of aggressive acts, and to be triumphant over another no matter how, seems fundamental to his having a sense of well being, as well as. well, i don't make poetry. as an analyst, i. john believes in the basic goodness of man, and that's fine, but gaze into the pit like i have and that view seems a little soporific. and not unlike television, it hardly represents the real world. pardon me? i strongly doubt it, but i wasn't really discussing media. oh, there's always hope, i think, for a few individuals, if they're courageous enough to shed their illusions and their. what about it? wouldn't you agree that a great deal of mischief has been done in the name of love? well, you're a romantic, catherine, as are most musicians, and what's more, about to be married. which should exclude you from any objective discussion. but keep in mind, even the arts aren't free of aggressive content, nor the institution of marriage. but i'd like to say, so that i don't dampen the spirit of your adventure. well, i should hope not. because obviously there are loftier classes of people that do establish a kind of relating, that's relatively free of. there. you see what i mean? the choice of words, "squashed flat," juxtaposed against the image of a fluffy kitten. perhaps. but you see how close that is to what i'm trying to. i beg your pardon. carl, this is really too much.