so where do you know alan from? really. the california racquet club? that's my club too. i haven't seen you there. right, and how long have you had these pains, mr. barber? two bs? that's two. arnold babar. isn't there a children's book about an elephant named babar? no children? still, it'd an odd name. i don't remember seeing it on the club registry. your aunt? joan or margaret smith. well, which one? funny old bird. i'll bet. shame about ed. oh, he was dying for years. he was in intensive care for eight weeks. bend over and drop your pants, mr. babar. just relax. breathe easy. there is? just relax. i can't discuss another patient. you know that. well, i can't find anything wrong with you. yeah, we check you into mt. hebron for a few days, run lots of tests, charge a bundle. you can pull your pants up now. tell the nurse when you've got a few free days. she'll make all the arrangements.