we can't talk about it here. i'll give you a thousand dollars cash just to come to my house and listen to the proposition. if you reject the proposition, you keep the thousand, and your mouth shut. what? who? what are you, doped up or something? come inside. buenas dias. here's my proposition, mr. fletcher. i want you to murder me. here. on thursday. i'd like you to shoot me dead. the reason i ask you to do me this service is that i am facing a long, painful, and most certain death. you see, i have bone cancer. i don't know if you know anything about bone cancer. it doesn't get any worse than that. just eats you up, bit by bit. i don't feel sick. not yet. they tell me it'll start getting bad in about a month. after that. well, i'd rather not be around for it. my company has taken out a very large insurance policy on me. and i have a wife. suicide would nullify my insurance. murder does not. you're a drifter, a -- pardon the expression -- beach bum. no one would notice if you disappeared. i've watched you for a couple weeks. not with the scum you hang out with. i've watched. i've thought. its a perfect scheme. i even have a perfect escape plan for you. i've got fifty thousand dollars says you will. fifty thousand and a guarantee you won't get caught. i want it done thursday evening, around eight pm. my wife will be off to the club for a committee meeting. it's the staff's night off. these will be open. sometimes yes, sometimes no. the staff usually forgets. i will be here in the room, waiting for you. the safe will be open and there will be fifty thousand dollars in it. you will be wearing rubber gloves. do you own rubber gloves? in this drawer. very good. my .357. use it and no one can trace it to you. the room will be in some disarray. precisely. are you a good shot? get me on the first shot, if you can. do you have a passport? fine. after you kill me, take the jaguar. the keys will be in the glove compartment. lax. go to the pan am desk. there will be a ticket waiting for you. rio. flight 306. departs at eleven pm. it'll be a first class-ticket. i'm sure you'll enjoy the ride. i would recommend staying down there at least a year, mr. fletcher. i am not someone who leaves a great deal to chance, mr. fletcher. yes. all you provide are the gloves, the passport, and the aim. i'll take care of everything else. that's right. what do you say, mr. fletcher? you'll be doing me and my family a great service. will you kill me?