fletch. fletch! fletch, i take it by your presence here that the story is done. tell me i'm right. fletch. no, i want an answer, is the story done? 'uh, almost' is not an answer. 'yes frank, it's all done': that's an answer. irwin. irwin, professional journalism time, now. go back to the goddamn beach and finish the goddamn story! no it's not okay. you have to have this in by tomorrow. did you see the ad we ran sunday? never reads the paper. i don't know. look! now, irwin, try to follow me. you can't run the ad and then not run the story. you broke it? you know the source? what's 'practically'? is it fat sam? you said you had pictures of him. so let's go! we run the pictures. who? how gray? i'm going to bite out your eyeballs, you know that? your onto something. that's good. what? what do you want? speak, don't point! just give me a hint, all right? what's that? utah? what about finding the source? who? donnie and marie? go to transportation, get a ticket. it's called journalism, fletch. it's called getting both sides of the story. something you apparently don't know anything about. get out of here. you know, i've had it up to here with your bullsh*t. i need a story from you by tomorrow. but not unsubstantiated charges about dope-dealing cops, and not horse sh*t paranoid fantasies about homicidal police chiefs. i want something i can print! fletch. what? who the hell are they? what. jesus h. christ. fletch, this is the greatest. fletch, i got nervous. please. fletch! fletch, you want an apology? not really. i was upset. fletch.