come on, kids. time for nursery school. oh, it's not that i'm complaining, wilma. i mean, barney's sweet, but. well, he's just not cut out to punch a clock. and he's such a dreamer, you think he ever once picked up a hammer and chisel and tried to balance a checkbook? they pull up in front of a pleasant-looking simple little nursery school. mrs. granite, a pleasant-looking 65, sees them from the schoolyard, waves while wilma and betty un- load the kids. no, barney just keeps looking for that coo-coo berry pie in the sky, and i don't want to pop his balloon by talking about the price of mastodon ribs. you're welcome, mrs. granite. but we wipe their mouths every day. we're still shopping around. morris, what on earth is going on? you giving away bronto filets? oh, i'd like some ground mammoth patties and uh. some dodo drumsticks. here we are, mrs. slate. sorry you had to ride in the back. likewise. that's right, you don't understand. my husband's business manager usually handles this sort of thing, but i don't mind. and to wilma's astonishment, betty takes one of the parchments. i know bam-bam -- -- pardonez-moi, 'bem-bem' will love attending your school and performing in the talent show. thank you oh so much. unless they were forced to go bowling again. remember that time a burglar pointed a gun at them and said, 'go bowling right now'? don't tell me. i still can't believe what i did today. i know, i know! i just couldn't stand that woman's attitude! but we had to find a new school anyway, and there we were. the next thing i knew, i was in over my head. but why did you jump in, too? and? what do we tell the boys? we put ourselves in debt so the kids can attend school with a family we can't stand? flowers? aw, barney. i. i don't deserve these. i did something really stupid today. boys. did you see. the dollar signs there at the bottom? barney, wait a minute. there. that looks more like a captain of industry. hmm. probably run off to the tropics with one of those executive secretaries. well, you're both going to change your plans. your new school is going to have a talent show. and you're going to have some talent. we're waiting. pebbles and bam-bam sigh, huddle. we hear snatches of discussion. well? think they're ready for the talent show? barney, i don't understand. what came over you boys? i don't know why you want to go to this thing. after the way fred's been treating you lately -- yeah. and it's all around his belt. if it wasn't for poor wilma i wouldn't give him the geological time -- wilma, wait. i'm going with you. if friends can't do something stupid, who can? wilma smiles, touched. besides. . maybe if we leave the boys alone? a circus, huh? well, if our kids belong in a circus with their act, then your little nephew belongs in a zoo with his -- these sure look like coo-coo berries to me -- barney. tonight you're the biggest man in bedrock. w-wilma. those hoops of bamboo. those wires. do you think -- ?