well, flintstone, looks like today's the day. forget it, flintstone. this time i got you dead to rights -- fred opens the box. a scary-looking winged reptile sticks out its head, smacks its hungry lips. gravel. get me the radar reading and i'll show you how we deal with scofflaws. flintstone! flintstone, come back here -- ! cut to: flintstone! pull over! all right! you're all under arr -- speed traps again! face it, gravel. i'm in a rut. and meanwhile, the guys who went through the academy with me, they're all big shots now: sam slate. dirty harock. magma, p.i. and you know why? 'cause they got the breaks, that's why! there's a lesson there, gravel. never pick up hitchhikers. besides -- -- did you say 'creature'? this is a xenosaurus alert. repeat, a xenosaurus alert. the creature has been sighted on the slate city exit of the venturock freeway! it is driving a brown late model sedan and eating a white male caucasian. car twelve is in hot pursuit. he releases the bird, which doesn't fly away right away, but gives him a look. oh, yeay. over and out! gravel, this could mean promotions for both of us! load the shotgun and turn on the siren! you kidding? by now he's a couple of shinbones and a belch. gravel drops down on one knee, excited. he shines his light on fred's big "clawprints." okay, lizard, reach for the sky! fred hesitates. then, hearing a creak and groan, he looks at the house beside him. the stucco-like exterior of fibrerock is beginning to crumble. quivering quartzite, d-did you see that -- chief, you -- you gotta believe me -- just one swipe of its paw and -- wham -- a whole house was pre-history -- ! suddenly one of those police dispatch parakeets comes flying excitedly through the window, lands on a perch in front of the chief. you see -- ? i told you -- artillery. it's the xenosaurus -- stand back, men -- it's a vicious killer -- ready -- aim --