attention, fellow water buffaloes. brothers, your attention! the herd is now called to the prairie. antlers. up! this meeting of the water buffaloes is now in session. sergeant-at-arms, have we got any old business? barney stands, acknowledges his friends and lodge brothers. brother piltdown: you have given the cry of the gelded buffalo at the poisoned water hole. do you wish to file an objection? fellow water buffalo. in a few moments we will cast our votes for the lodge officers. the election committee will make the preparations. all in favor, say -- thank you, brother rubble. the buffaloes will now have their secret vote. fit. furs! paw. ground! everyone does a bull-like stomp and scrape. all for piltdown, bellow now! the room echoes with moose-like snorts. all for flintstone, bellow now! order furs! the fezzes come up. the snorts have it! brother piltdown, it is my privilege to install you as the new exalted herdmaster erect antler and big buck of our lodge. if you'll come forward, i will present you with the tokens of office. cheers and applause as piltdown goes to the podium.