uncle, if you'll look at this unit cost projection. it intersects here with -- you'll be bankrupt in six months. slate does a danny thomas spit take all over the model. it's all here in hack and slice. when you committed to this housing development the price of dino kibble was a few clams per ton. since then, it's gone up a hundredfold. you can't build a project like this without the heavy equipment dinos, and we can't afford to feed those dinos. sounds like a worker's comp claim if i ever heard one. uncle, uncle, speak to me -- but it's only a statue of a golfer from one of slate's trophies. eighths -- ivan, look, okay, so i bought too much on margin. everyone said glaciers were here to stay, i mean, who knew? just leverage my shares in atlantis dry goods and -- what? when did that happen? piltdown enters, knocks on the open door. armored car? i. i'll get back to you. piltdown, this fibrerock program is going to create a lot of changes around the plant. i want to make one more. you've been a wonderful thug and goon for me. now, i'd like to expand your duties. i want you to become a provocateur. what i mean, is, i'm going to use you to double-cross your lodge and union brothers, and make their lives a living hell. good. you and your little pal will report directly to me and take orders only from me. now get out of here and start screwing your former friends and associates. coo-coo berries. cut to: flintstone! rubble! please, call me jerry. uncle -- i mean, mister slate told me to take you to your offices. if you'll follow me? the fibrerock assembly line. unc -- mister slate's had a crew working on it all weekend. we're going to roll out the first sheets of fibrerock by mid-week. well, gentlemen, here you are. as soon as you're settled, come over to the assembly line. we'll go over the fibrerock formula before the first run. he goes off. fred and barney go -- of course he can, flintstone. it's his quarry. a simple little heist -- i gave you everything but the keys and you blew it -- the day after slate city opens there's going to be an audit. if the stuff isn't gone by then we'll all be doing time until the bronze age. how do you know that? i mean. ah, why do you say that? tastes. different? rubble, rubble! we're fighting a deadline to finish slate city. and we're not pulling the plug on production to satisfy your tastebuds! if you ask me, you and your tastebuds are overworked . overwrought. how long have you been with us, anyway? jumping jurrasic, no wonder you're so run down. i'm authorizing a nice vacation for you, rubble. starting tomorrow. you can catch some rays, maybe invent something. hey, how about fibrerock, the sequel, part ii -- ? no, don't try and thank me. as you can see, the fibrerock is so light we're using it for construction, for furnishings. for everything. you can't stack a two-bedroom cave this high. but the sky's the limit with fibrerock! that's brilliant, unc. mister slate. in fact, maybe you can help me with the centerpiece of the complex. . i wanna call 'em the fibresphere and the '____' something needle. but i just can't. 'slate need' . how do you keep coming up with these? it's uncanny. oh, that reminds me, sign these, will you. just a few overruns . minor cost problems. that's it. thank you. oh, mister slate, we're going to hold the bedrock junior talent show in the uh, 'slate needle.' good for public relations -- lava breaks off. he's just looked out the window and seen -- that takes care of the half-pint. now to deal with the half-wit. cut to: -- oh? or check up on us? emotionally, lava turns, indicates a picture of slate on the wall. flintstone, that. that's a slap in the face of our founder. our employer. our uncle. unless, of course, you agree with rubble. that mister slate isn't capable of running this operation . that i'm not capable of running it? call me jerry. sit down, please. fred complies. lava winces as his designer furniture creaks under fred's weight, but he only says -- cigar? fred, let me get to the bottom slime. some men -- you and me, for instance -- we're cut out for the big time, the big bucks. . the big everything. lava smiles, prepares the tips on two cigars. he puts each one in turn in a gizmo on his desk. and others? wellll. now, i know your pal barney had a small part in the preliminary research and development of fibrerock. yes? you're too kind, flintstone, that's what i like about you. but you're a big guy with a big decision to make. are you gonna keep covering for barney, keep pulling his acornsauruses out of the fire. or are you going to concentrate on your own important duties? publicity, flintstone, publicity! and that's why i've got a little surprise for you. for the man who made fibrerock a household word, i want you to meet the man who's going to make you a household word. right, fred. as long as you forget all this nonsense about barney. of course, poindexter, of course. they head for the mastodon and pully-powered elevator. standing there are piltdown and pyrite, both in security guard uniforms. . lava gives them a big look. they nod. as the elevator rises, his two cronies duck into a stairwell marked "no admittance." you're certainly looking lovely this evening, mrs. flintstone. life with a junior executive must agree with you. yes. i think so, too. imagine how good you'd look with a senior executive. that's ridiculous, flintstone! nobody could get that many coo-coo berries off our premises! they're convincing fakes, mrs. rubble -- part of our exciting display -- uncle! are you going to stand there while aspersions are being cast at the slate family? this is absurd -- all right, all right, i admit it! i got in over my head in the stock market. took some big losses. i had these guys pull jobs for me all over town disguised as a monster. but it still wasn't enough. and when i saw all those coo-coo berries being delivered every day, i guess i just lost my head. i figured with the woca sap in the fibremix, the berry juice as superfluous. yeah. real chip off the old block, ain't he? embarrassed, mrs. slate grabs the kid by the neck, practically throws him at the cable. she follows him down, followed by lava and mr. slate.