'ello, fred. i've 'eard a lot h'about you from mister lava. h'at's why we're going to put you on our program. hmm. lovely little guest 'ouse, mister flintstone. so simple, so ordinary, so unexceptional. why, h'it's almost quaint. let's say we start with the camera 'ere, except. well, just look at that yard over there. barbecues and trikes, not exactly the right image. good idea. rodney, get 'hoppin' with those greens. the aide nods, gathers some workers. they start moving the potted plants. puzzled, wilma comes over. 'ere we are at the 'ome of bedrock's man o' the 'our, frederick flint-- more chipping. leach looks up and sees: 'ere we are at the fabulous 'ome of bedrock's man o' the 'our, frederick von flintstone -- frederick, of course, is the man behind fibrerock -- the invention that some predict will revolutionize life in the future. frederick, 'ow does it feel to know that you 'ave personally brought the stone age as we know it to a long-deserved end? fabulous! i've 'ad enough crab meat and crabgrass to last me a year. all right, boys, that's a wrap!