yer on, pyrite -- pyrite tosses a walnut, which bounces on the ledge. the wrecking ball smashes into the stone wall. yeah? sez who? yeah? well, a.n.w. one-oh-one gives us workers a snack break. so. . i'm breakin' some snacks. you've been asking for this, flintstone. i'm gonna kick your fat butt -- why should we? it was flintstone, mr. slate! you bet i do. how come flintstone is 'good old fred' and me and the other candidates are just 'some other guys'? you and slate? who are you kidding, flintstone? the only partner you got is hanging over your belt. pyrite laughs, a bit too much. -- if i don't, you will -- mister lava, the armored car is here. yeah. must be a fortune in coo-coo berries on that baby. you know, for that fibrerock stuff of flintstone and rubble's. you gotta sign here for it. gee, mister lava, i donno. i kinda like girls myself. oh, okay. -- you mean used to work for him -- until somebody opened their big mouth -- candidate and double-crossing back stabber? herdmaster! i move we commence the meeting. and the election! thank you, brother chairman. fellow buffaloes, i'm a man of few words. it's no secret that most of our lodge members are also members of amalgamated neolithic 101. which means that most of us aren't gonna be able to make our cave payments next month. so my agenda for tonight. ends right now. there's a time to be a buffalo. there's a time ta be a brown nosin' double-crossin' creep. all heads turn and swivel to look at fred. swivel back. and there's a time to stand up and be a man! so let's go down there and make the slate shop into slate scrap. then we'll see how he gets along without the heavy equipment operators of neolithic 101! meeting adjourned! okay! let's start with slate's golf trophies and work our way up to the assembly line! ad lib angry cheers, and the mob storms into the plant, knocking aside equipment and supplies. now we'll show 'em who's boss! not if we give 'em a nice long vacation. in the hospital. saying this, he grips tightly on a wrench. then some rampaging workers rush by. piltdown gives them an encour- aging cheer, and then he and pyrite lead them up some stairs to the assembly line catwalk. there, pyrite begins smashing some light fixtures with a club, while piltdown uses brute strength to snap big support beams which he flings below. hey, we got the union guys to break in and create a distraction, didn't we? who knew flintstone and rubble would show up, too? can we help you. sir? ya can start by cleaning the street with your pants! still laughing, piltdown and pyrite cross over to lava, who has come out of the office building. pyrite, shaddup --