-- how'd you like my fist to intersect with your nose? i've told you a hundred times, don't call me uncle in the office! now, i didn't arrange your scholarship to harvrock university so you could waste my time! so stop beating around the bushasaurus and get to the bottom slime! bankrupt? are you crazy? i'm two months behind schedule, my option's running out on the land and donald trumprock is just waiting to jump in and steal the whole deal . meanwhile that damn union's on my back, hell, they'll probably want an eighty hour week or something. there's got to be an answer. what's that? i'm over here, you moron -- and don't call me 'uncle'! for five years slate construction has had the finest safety record in bedrock. our workers are trained in first aid, our equipment is first rate and our dinos are worm free. and then something like this happens . i want to know how! a cacophony of voices starts to answer. shut up! i want one person to answer me: who's responsible for this? who are you? flintstone, i have just one thing to say to you -- fred cringes. piltdown and pyrite smirk. congratulations! this stuff you had on your car is the most incredible building material i've seen in thirty years in the construction business! it's strong -- -- light -- -- resilient -- it rebounds, "sproinging" him on the chin. he recovers, shakes it off. where on earth did you get it? the rest of you men go back to work. i want to talk to flintstone and the personal reference alone. come on, move, move. they go out, piltdown looking furious. light as a pterodactyl feather. why, a child could handle this. lava, we could cut construction costs in half. in quarters. in uh. whatchacallit -- eighths, right. flintstone, what do you call this stuff? 'fibrerock'? 'fibrerock'? 'fib-bre-rock' -- i love it! you see this, lava? all those courses of yours at harvrock university, and who saves my bacon? two simple-minded run-of-the-mill nobodies. boys, this is a small step for slate construction. a giant step for all mankind. he points to the translucent material. camera tightens on it. we see fred, barney and slate's reflections in it. the stone age is over! let the fibre age begin! as heroic music stings in, we. men, this is a proud day for slate construction. you have seen the first pieces of fibrerock roll off the assembly line and into history. a history you are all part of. thanks to your very own fellow worker, fred flintstone! no longer will man and beast bend under the backbreaking load of stone and rock and timber. because fibrerock is so light that even a child can handle it. that's why on monday we're going to hire two dozen children from bedrock technical junior high. they'll be replacing the 36 heavy equipment operators, 15 shaft diggers and 22 laborers we're laying off today. your pink slips will be in your final pay envelopes along with a ticket to the grand opening of slate city. it's non-transferable, so hang on to it. thank you, and have a nice weekend. flintstone! we do, eh? about what? of course i can, fred. i can lay them off like -- -- that, or like -- -- that, or like -- -- that. that's right. why -- i could lock the front door and go fishing if i wanted! why, i could even fire lava here if i wanted. lava quivers with mock surprise. everyone really laughs, now. or. i could fire you, fred. flintstone, lava, here, recommended that you be in charge of public relations to get fibrerock off to a good start. i'm a member of that public, flintstone, and i have to say. this isn't a good start. i'm getting a bad feeling about fibrerock. a bad feeling about. you. you want that feeling to go away, don't you? good. then turn around and walk out of here and we'll forget all about this. 'sky's the limit'. 'sky's the limit'. why, these two buildings, they. they practically scrape the sky! we should call them. slate scrapers! how about, 'slate needle'? it's a gift. what the devil's going on here? of course it is! why, without the coo-coo berry sap, fibrerock would be completely -- -- unstable. i'll tell you what's superfluous, lava. your liver! so why don't we remove it -- ! he leaps, snarling, on top of lava. fred and barney pull them apart. then, more falling dust and beams give everyone more pressing problems -- cut to: flintstone. rubble. i. i don't know what to say. i. i treated you horribly. i ignored you, abused you. and then you come here and risk your necks like this. well, there's no price you can put on something like that, so i won't even try. but let me give you. . a hearty handshake. honey, you're being hysterical, go lie down, okay? okay, okay. boys, i'm feeling guilty about how you've been taken advantage of, so i'll tell you what. i'm going to give you back all world-wide rights to fibrerock, free and clear. he picks up a fragment of stone, begins writing on it. your only obligation will be to cover oh, whatever legal expenses might surface at some later time. oh, you never know.