fred, stop playing with dino and sit down. your breakfast's getting cold. so is everybody else in bedrock. that kibble crisis is getting worse every day. she puts two giant slices of bread into a toaster. two claw-like devices hold the toast, pulling it out of sight. i'm afraid dino's going to have to manage on leftovers from pebbles and me. i'll let you know when i see some. of course not, baby. lucky it wasn't the sunday paper. we're really going to miss you, too, mrs. granite. fortunately, we're both -- wilma and betty straighten. salute. ah, hello, mrs. slate. we met at the quarry picnic? i just need a few things for fred. flintstone -- i'm sure. let me have one of those, too. for ma petite pebbles. it's not like the boys to be so late. betty, sometimes you're a little too gullible -- no kidding. do you have any idea of what the enrollment fee is? and get this. it's non-refundable -- oh, she was getting to me too with all that mastodon snort about her little nephew. and. and. if a friend can't help you do something stupid, who can? what's wrong with the truth? maybe we could rephrase it. suddenly the door bursts open. fred and barney run in with candy and flowers. rock candy? that's nice, but. why? not anymore you don't. have you been drinking? in reply, fred whips a bottle of champagne into view. fred, there's no easy way to say this so -- the non-refundable dollar signs? betty. these. these look. real -- fred! wait a minute! there's something wrong with your lunch -- fit for a king. my king. good luck. watch out for those. you know. hostile takeovers. you don't have to win. honorable mention or most kongenial kids is perfectly acceptable. young lady, this is not about beating pants, this is about becoming a well rounded child. now, what kind of act will you do? i think they're ready for rock vegas. as they laugh and hug the kids and dino, we -- cut to: fred, is there something you want to tell me about the lodge meeting? fred, this was supposed to be a 'typical evening' at the flintstones, and you invited fifty people i don't even know. now what's going on? where are they taking my ficus-sauruses? thank heaven. there isn't one person i know here. i mean including fred. they look over at -- fred, can i talk to you -- ? fred? fred? we have a serious problem with betty and barney. i mean you're treating them horribly! what's come over you, fred? does a little money mean so much to you that you just turn your back on the things that really count? arrrgh -- ! fred. i. i'm sorry it's not working out. fred turns, puts on a big smile. fred. fred, i want to be here with you -- come on, pebbles. we're going to another party. we'll find out together. she takes the girl's hand and goes to the door, where the last of leach's crew is just going out. suddenly betty catches up to her, bam-bam in tow. why? uh. thank you. i think. oh? is fred getting promoted? lava laughs, sure she's kidding. then not so sure. the ventriloquist finishes to scattered applause. the kid bows, gets up. splashes across puddles of water on the stage area. the headmistress of l'ecole superior et al steps up. behind her, the picture window displays the expanse of slate city: the twin slatescrapers framing endless rows of little tract houses stretching to the distant volcanic ridge. yeah -- a zoo where the animals are dead -- because if they aren't, they will be! fred! there's a fire hose -- ! oh, fred -- that's the most beautiful thing i've ever heard! they kiss. she drops to safety! yes! yes! betty, we have to try it -- ! dino! dino, look down here -- !