well, are you gonna sit down, or aren't ya? what's wrong with your legs? then why do you have those shoes on? are you stupid or something. i'm jenny. come on, forrest, you can do it. just stay a little longer. just run away, forrest. run, forrest! run away! hurry! run, forrest! run! run, forrest! run, forrest! run! hsh! daddy's takin' a nap. come on! pray with me, forrest. pray with me. dear god, make me a bird so i can fly far, far, far away from here. dear god, make me a bird so i can fly far, far, far away from here. quit it! run, forrest, run! run, forrest! run, forrest! run! run, forrest! ouch! that hurts. forrest! forrest! forrest, stop it! stop it! what are you doing? no, he's not! get over there! billy, i'm sorry. don't. wait a second! don't go! billy, wait a second! he doesn't know any better! forrest, why'd you do that? forrest, look at you! come on. come on. shh! do you ever dream, forrest, about who you're gonna be? yeah. well, you'll always be you, just another kind of you. you know? i want to be famous. i want to be a singer like joan baez. i just want to be an empty stage with my guitar, my voice. just me. and i want to reach people on a personal level. i want to be able to say things, just one-to-one. have you ever been with a girl, forrest? it's okay. it's all right. it's okay. i bet that never happened in home ec. i don't care. i don't like her, anyway. "yes, and how many seas must the white dove said, before she sleeps in the sand." "yes, how many times must the cannonballs fly before they're forever banned." "the answer, my friend is blowing in the wind. the answer is blowing in. hey! hey! stupid jerk! i'm singing a song here. polly, get out here! shut up! oh, shut up! forrest, what are you doing here? what are you doing? what are you doing? forrest, let me down! you can't keep doing this, forrest. you can't keep tryin' to rescue me all the time. a lot of people try to grab me. just -- you can't keep doing this all the time! forrest, you don't know what love is. you remember that time we prayed, forrest? we prayed for god to turn me into a bird so i could fly far, far away? you think i can fly off this bridge? nothing. i gotta get outta here. forrest, you stay away from me, okay? you just stay away from me, please. can i have a ride? i don't care. just hang on a minute. listen, you promise me something, okay? just if you're ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, you just run, okay? just run away. forrest! forrest! forrest! hey! hey! hey man, he's cool. he's cool. he's one of us. he's one of us. i ran into a friend. this is my good friend i told you about. this is forrest gump. forrest, this is wesley. wesley and i live together in berkeley, and he's the president of the berkeley chapter of okay, but. you are a fucking asshole! forrest! quit it! quit it! forrest! stop it! stop it! come on, forrest. he doesn't mean it when he does things like this. he doesn't. i know you wouldn't, forrest. that uniform is a trip, forrest. you look handsome in it. you do. what? me too, forrest. i have so much to tell you, you won't believe what's been going on. "smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love on another right now" i'll go. i have to, forrest. forrest, we have very different lives, you know. forrest, i can't keep this. why're you so good to me? i'll always be your girl. hello, forrest. how could you do this? okay, you can open your eyes. they make them just for running. you done watching it? i'm going to bed. you would, forrest. you don't want to marry me. forrest, i do love you. i'm not running. i'll be damned. forrest. hey! forrest! how you doing? come in. come in. oh, i was wondering about that. yeah, it's messy right now. i just got off work. thank you. hey, i kept, i kept a scrapbook of your, of your clippings and everything. there you are. this, i got your running. there. listen, forrest. i don't know how to say this. um, i just. i want to apologize for anything that i ever did to you, 'cause i was messed up for a long time, and. hey. hey, you. this is an old friend from alabama. ah, listen, next week my schedule changes, so i'll be able to. but thanks for picking up. okay. thanks. this is very good friend, mr. gump. can you say hi to him? yes, you can. just keep it low. i'm a momma. his name is forrest. i named him after his daddy. you're his daddy, forrest. hey, forrest, look at me. look at me, forrest. there's nothing you need to do, okay? you didn't do anything wrong. okay? isn't he beautiful? he's very smart. he's one of the smartest in his class. yeah, it's okay. go talk to him. forrest, i'm sick. i have some kind virus. and the doctors don't, they don't know what it is. and there isn't anything they can do about it. would you marry me, forrest? hi. your tie. hey, it's nice to meet you, finally. hey. hey, forrest, were you scared in vietnam? i wish i could have been there with you. i love you.