you must be my f.n.g.'s. ho! get your hands down. do not salute me. there are goddamned snipers all around this area who would love to grease an officer. i'm lieutenant dan taylor. welcome to fourth platoon. what's wrong with your lips? yeah, well, you better tuck that in. gonna get that caught on a trip wire. where you boys from in the world? you twins? look, it's pretty basic here. you stick with me, you learn from the guys who been in country awhile, you'll be right. there is one item of g.i. gear that can be the difference between a live grunt and a dead grunt. socks, cushion, sole, o.d. green. try and keep your feet dry when we're out humpin'. i want you boys to remember to change your socks wherever we stop. the mekong will eat a grunt's feet right off his legs. sergeant sims! goddamnit, where is that sling-rope i told you to order. yeah, yeah, yeah, well you call those sonabitches again, call them again and again and again. i don't care how much it takes. goddamnit, kick some ass! get on it! so, you boys are from arkansas, huh? well, i've been through there. little rock's a fine town. now, go shake down your gear, see the platoon sergeant, draw what you need for the field. if you boys are hungry, we got steaks burnin' right here. two standing orders in this platoon. one, take good care of your feet. two, try not to do anything stupid, like gettin' yourself killed. hold it up! get down! shut up! ah, nothin'. fourth platoon, on your feet! still got ten clicks to go to that river. all right, move out! comin' out. look alive out there. fire in the hole! mount 'em up. take cover! get that pig up here, goddammit! strongarm, please be advised. strongarm, this is leg lima 6, over! roger, strongarm, be advised we have incoming from the treeline at point blue plus two. a.k's and rockets. goddammit, mac! get that pig unfucked and get it in the treeline! ah, jesus! my unit is down hard and hurting! 6 pulling back to the blue line, leg lima 6 out! pull back! pull back! pull back! run, goddammit, run! roger, strongarm, i know my position is danger close! we got charlie all over this area! i gotta have those fast movers in here now! over! i know he's dead! my whole goddamned platoon is wiped out! goddammit! what are you doing? leave me here! get away. just leave me here! get out! you dink son-of-a-bitch! i can't leave the platoon! i told you to leave me there, gump. forget about me. get yourself out! did you hear what i said! goddammit, pull me down! get your ass out of here! i didn't ask you to pull me out of there, goddamn you! what the hell do you think you're going? i got an air strike inbound right now. they're gonna nape the whole area. gump, you stay here, goddammit! that's an order! helo's inbound. pop smoke, get it up there! now, you listen to me. we all have a destiny. nothing just happens, it's all part of a plan. i should have died out there with my men! but now, i'm nothing but a goddamned cripple! a legless freak. look! look! look at me! do you see that? do you know what it's like not to be able to use your legs? did you hear what i said? you cheated me. i had a destiny. i was supposed to die in the field! with honor! that was my destiny! and you cheated me out of it! you understand what i'm saying, gump? this wasn't supposed to happen. not to me. i had a destiny. i was lieutenant dan tyler. look at me. what am i gonna do now? what am i gonna do now? they gave you the congressional medal of honor. they gave you the congressional medal of honor! they gave you an imbecile, a moron who goes on television and makes a fool out himself in front of the whole damn country, the congressional medal of honor. well, then, that's just perfect! yeah, well i just got one thing to say to that. goddamn bless america. take a right, take a right. ah! i'm living off the government tit. sucking it dry. hey! hey! hey! are you blind? i'm walking here! ah, get out. come on, go! go! go! have you found jesus yet, gump? that's all these cripples, down at the v.a., that's all they ever talk about. jesus this and jesus that. have i found jesus? they even had a priest come and talk to me. he said god is listening, but i have to help myself. now, if i accept jesus into my heart, i'll get to walk beside him in the kingdom of heaven. did you hear what i said? walk beside him in the kingdom of heaven. well, kiss my crippled ass. god is listening. what a crock of shit. huh? ah, well, before you go, why don't you get your ass down to the corner and get us another bottle of wine. what the hell's in bayou la batre? shrimpin' boats? who gives a shit about shrimpin' boats? a shrimp boat captain. now hear this! private gump here is gonna be a shrimp boat captain. well, i tell you what, gilligan, the day that you are a shrimp boat captain, i will come and be your first mate. if you're ever a shrimp boat captain, that's the day i'm an astronaut. this is cunning carla, and long-limbs lenore. well, well, i had, uh, company. what did you say? hey! don't call him stupid! you shut up! don't you ever call him stupid! get the hell out of here! get the hell out of here! go on! go on! get out of here! get out of here! get out of here! no! happy new year. well, i thought i'd try out my sea legs. well, well, captain forrest gump. i had to see this for myself. and i told you if you were ever a shrimp boat captain, that i'd be your first mate. well, here i am. i am a man of my word. yeah, but don't you be thinking that i'm gonna be calling you sir. i have a feeling if we head the east, we'll find some shrimp. so, take a left. take a left. over there! they're over there! get, get on the wheel and take a left! gump, what are you doing? take a left! left! that's where we're gonna find those shrimp, my boy! that's where we'll find 'em. okay, so i was wrong. well, maybe you should just pray for shrimp. where the hell's this god of yours? you'll never sink this boat! come on! you call this a storm? blow, you son-of-a-bitch! blow! it's time for a showdown! you and me. i'm right here. come and get me! you'll never sink this boat! forrest, i never thanked you for saving my life. jenny one, go margo. yeah, well you'll have to tell them to call him back. he is indisposed at the moment. hello, forrest. yeah, i got new legs. custom-made titanium alloy. it's what they use on the space shuttle. this is my fiancee, susan.